Call for papers: "International Trade and Investment towards green and digital transformation - CIECI 2021"

The fourth industrial revolution with significant technological and digital advances hastransformed the entire economic and social system. On the one hand, advanced technology and digitalizationmake production more flexible and efficient. But, on the other hand, digital industrial ecosystems lead to new demands for energy and raw materials, thus increasing carbon emissions and exacerbatingenvironmental problems. In that context, international trade and investment towardsgreen and digital transformationis a choice for countries to promote sustainable development and actively develop in the Industry 4.0.

With the purpose of enhancing both academic and practical exchange, providing a forum for domestic and international scholars, experts, and practitioners to discuss greening and digitalizing international trade and investment activities, the VNU University of Economics and Business together with Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Vietnam, National Chengchi University and the University of Adelaide will hold a Conference International trade and Investment towards Green and Digital Transformation” in November 2021, Hanoi. This is in the series of annual Conferences on international Economic Cooperation and Integration (CIECI) that was initiated in 2013 at the VNU University of Economics and Business. The Conference focuses on the following topics:

  • International trade and investment towards digital transformation;
  • International trade and investment towards green transformation;
  • Policy initiatives and solutions to promote international trade and investment towards the integration of green and digital transformation;
  • Other topics related to international trade, international investment, digital transformation and green transformation from macro and micro perspective.

Date (tentative): 26 November 2021

Conference venue: Hanoi (offline and online)

Conference theme:

We welcome experts, researchers, scholars, and practitioners to contribute papers for the Conference on, but not limited to, the following topics:

- International trade and investment toward digital transformation

  • The theoretical basis of international trade and investment towards digital transformation (concepts, characteristics, transformation process, influencing factors...)
  • Contexts, trends, strategies and policies to support and develop towardsdigital transformation in trade and investment
  • Digitalizing trade and investment activities,digital trade and investment facilitation
  • Experience in implementing trade and investment towards digital transformation in the world and/or in Vietnam
  • Impacts, opportunities and challenges of digital transformationof trade and investment.

- International trade and investment toward green transformation

  • The theoretical basis of greening international trade and investment (concepts, characteristics, roles, transitional process, influencing factors; models of greening such as circular economy, green economy, sustainable development...)
  • Context, trends, strategies and policies to support and develop greening trade and investment activities;
  • Experience in greening trade and investment in the world and/or in Vietnam;
  • Impacts, opportunities, challenges of greening trade and investment.

- Policy initiatives and solutions to promote international trade and investment towards the integration of green and digital transformation

  • The theoretical framework of policies and solutions to integrate greening and digital transformation in developing international trade and investment (principles, conditions, implementation methods...)
  • Policy initiatives to integrate greening and digital transformation; international experience in integrating green and digital transformation into international trade and investment
  • Impacts, opportunities and challenges of integrating greening and digital transformation in Vietnam’s international trade and investment development
  • Policy initiatives and solutions for Vietnam to promote international trade and investment towards the integration of green and digital transformation

- Other topics related to international trade, international investment, digital transformation and green transformation from macro and micro perspective.

Deadline, structure and format of the paper:

  • Submission Deadline: 30th October 2021
  • The length of the paper should be between 4.000 - 6.000 words (not including the list of references) and must include:

- Title

- Abstract and keywords

- Content of the paper

- List of references

  • The paper must be written in English
  • Times New Roman font, size 13, line spacing 1.2, in A4 and Word format (Margin: top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5cm, left 3cm, right 2cm)


We welcome you to contribute papers for and participate in this international Conference. The selected papers will be published in the ISBN international conference proceedings “International Trade and Investment towards Green and Digital Transformationand VNU Journal of Economics and Business.

Please send the full papers and all inquiries to:

  • MA. Nguyen Thi Phuong Linh

Faculty of International Business and Economics

Tel: + 84 - 4 - 3754 7606 (ext: 407)

Mobile: (+84) 967257858


  • MA.Tong Thi Minh Phuong

Faculty of International Business and Economics

Tel: + 84 - 4 - 3754 7606 (ext: 407)

Mobile: (+84) 915998689


The Conference Organizing Committee would like to thank the authors for your contribution to the success of CIECI 2021.

>>> Click here for more details. 

VNU University of Economics and Business

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