Call for Papers International Conference “Participation in ASEAN Economic Community: International Experience and Implications for Vietnam”


The international conference “Participation in ASEAN Economic Community: International Experience and Implications for Vietnam”, funded by Friedrich Naumann Stiftung Für Die Freiheit (FNF), will be held by University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University - Hanoi in October 2013. The conference aims at improving and strengthening the academic and practical exchanges and providing a forum for debate between scholars and practitioners on the followings:

- The experience of ASEAN countries in participating and contributing to realize AEC by 2015.

- Implications for Vietnam to successfully participate in AEC.

Date: 11th October 2013
Conference venue

Sofitel Plaza Hanoi

No 1, Thanh Nien Road, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi

Conference theme

We welcome experts, researchers, scholars and practitioners to contribute papers for the conference on the followings themes:

- ASEAN nations’ experiences of participation in AEC by four pillars including single market and production base, competitive economic region, equitable economic development and integration into the global economy. The paper should, but not limited to, cover the following points:

  • Perceptions, policies or strategies of participating in AEC
  • Roadmap of participating in AEC and implementation
  • Impacts of AEC participation on the nation.
  • Lesson learnt.

- Experience of the EU and other regions in regional integration

  • The tendency and forms of regional integration in general and in economic community in particular.
  • The process of formation and development of EU, challenges of EU in the contemporary global context and experiences for ASEAN nations.
  • Experience of EU country members in participating in EU.
  • Comparison between EU and AEC
  • Experience of the Northern American nations in regional economic integration
  • Experience of the Southern American nations in regional economic integration
  • Experience of the African and Middle East naitons in regional economic integration.

- AEC from international organizations perspectives such as IMF, WB, ADB…

  • The points of views of international organization related to formation process of AEC, the feasibility of AEC by 2015, and roles of AEC in the world economy,
  • The impacts of AEC formation on the regional and global economy from perspectives of international organizations.
Deadline, structure and format of the paper

- Deadline:20th September 2013

- The length of the paper should be between 4,000 - 6,000 words (not including the list of references) and must include:

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Results and discussions
  • List of references
  • The paper can be in Vietnamese or English. The paper in Vietnamese must have an abstract in English.
  • Times New Roman font, size 13, line spacing 1.2, in A4 and Word format.
Opening and Welcome Speeches
  • A representative from VNU-UEB (Prof. Nguyen Hong Son, Rector)
  • A representative from Friedrich Naumann Stiftung Für Die Freiheit
  • Representatives from some organizations of Vietnam

Please send the abstracts, the full papers and all inquiries to:

MA. Vu Thanh Huong

Faculty of International Business and Economics, VNU-UEB

Tel: + 84 - 4 - 3754 7506 (ext: 407)

Mobile: 0977917656



Dr. Nguyen Cam Nhung

Faculty of International Business and Economics, VNU-UEB

Tel: + 84 - 4 - 3754 7506 (ext: 407)

Mobile: 0944388568


VNU University of Economics and Business

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