Call for papers international conference: “Investment environment in the path way to sustainable development in Vietnam”

The international conference “Investment environment in the path way to sustainable development in Vietnam”, held by University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University - Hanoi in November 2013.

>> Click here for the Call papers in Vietnamese
>>> Click here for the Call papers in English

Sustainable development has been a common trend that the world is moving towards. The United Nations Conference on Sustainable development (UNCSD), known as Rio 2012, Rio+20, has stressed the importance of building a “green economy to achieve sustainable development”, which is also the vital objectives and strategies that Vietnam has tried to achieve. The Government of Vietnam already issued National Agenda 21 on orientation of sustainable development in Vietnam. In September 2012, the Vietnam’s green growth strategy in the period 2011-2020 and Vision to 2050 was approved, stressing that green growth is an important tasks to achieve sustainable, ensure the quick economic development and contribute to implement “National Climate Change Strategy”.

Vietnam has achieved its national target of becoming a middle income country by 2010 thanks to high economic growth rate in recent years. Nonetheless, there remains concern about the sustainability of Vietnam’s economic development, i.e. the quality of economic development, the emergence of social as well as environmental issues. Therefore, creating an investment environment to promote sustainable development in Vietnam is a vital issue that should be more thoroughly studied, investigated and exchanged, supporting Vietnam towards green economy in the coming time.

1. Objectives

The international conference “Investment environment in the path way to sustainable development in Vietnam”, held by University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University - Hanoi in November 2013, aims at improving and strengthening the academic exchanges and providing a forum for debate between scholars and practitioners on the followings:

- The theoretical and practical issues concerning the relationship between the investment environment and sustainable development from economic, social and environmental perspectives.

- An overview and initial assessment of Vietnam’s investment environment from sustainable development approach and recommendations to improve Vietnam’s investment environment in the future.

2. Time: 4th November 2013

3. Conference venue

The conference will be held at University of Economics and Business, Vietnam Naitonal University  - Hanoi.

Room 801, E4 Building, 144 Xuan Thuy street, Cau Giay district, Hanoi, Vietnam

4. Conference themes

Contributed papers on the followings themes are welcomed but not limited to:

- The theoretical issues related to the relationship between investment environment and sustainable development.

- Impacts of investment on sustainable development

- The State investment and sustainable development in Vietnam

- The Private investment and sustainable development in Vietnam

- FDI and sustainable development in Vietnam

- Other topics:

+ International experiences on promoting investment towards sustainable development.

+ Current state and tendency of sustainable investment in the world

+ Model of sustainable investment

5. Deadline, structure and format of the paper

* Deadline

- 15st July 2013 - 30th July 2013: Submit paper abstracts of no more than 300 words. The abstract must include the title, affiliation, address, telephone and email of each author.

- 15 August 2013: After a review process by the Steering Committee, the authors will be notified the selection results.

- 15th September - 30th September 2013: Submit the full electronic paper.

* The length of the paper should be between 6,000 - 8,000 words (not including the list of references) and must include:

- Title
- Abstract
- Results and discussions
- List of references
* The paper can be in Vietnamese or English

* Times New Roman font, size 13, simple line spacing, in A4 and Word format.

6. Potential keynote speakers:

  • Prof. Nguyen Hong Son, Rector, VNU-UEB
  • Prof. Nguyen Mai, President of VAFIE
  • Two Professors from Germany
7. Contacts:

Please send the abstracts, the full papers and all inquiries to:

Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu

Faculty of International Economics and Business ,VNU-UEB

Tel: + 84-4-3754.7606 (ext: 407)
Dr. Nguyen Quoc Viet
Faculty of Development Economics, VNU-UEB
Tel: + 84-4-3754 7506 (ext 309)

VNU University of Economics and Business

FullName Email
Address Security code BOAHKW

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