‘Build a foundation’ for cooperation with a big university in China

On May 23rd and 24th 2018, within the framework of the Sport Week of Cultural Exchange among universities from Southeast Asia and South Asia, on behalf of VNU University of Economics and Business, Asoc.Prof. Dr. Le Trung Thanh - Head of Office of Research and Partnership Development had a meeting with representatives of the host university - Kunming University of Science and Technology, China (KMUST).

In the morning of May 23th, representatives of VNU University of Economics and Business had a meeting with representatives of School of International Education of KMUST, including the Dean Prof. Jie Jun - Dean and Vice Dean Prof. Tan Yihong.


Working with the School of International Education of KMUST

Discussing with representatives of KMUST, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Trung Thanh thanked the Organizing Committee for inviting UEB and creating opportunities for UEB students to attend the program for the first time. It was such a meaningful activity for the students, which benefits them both physically and mentally. Later on, he gave brief introduction about the UEB in terms of the size of the university, its training majors, research orientations as well as its strengths in international cooperation with more than 40 partners. Suggesting the opportunities for cooperation between the two universities, representatives of the UEB would like to establish student exchange programs, top-up programs 2+2 or 3+1 and study tours. Professor Jie Jun expressed his interest in those promising cooperative programs. Besides, Professor Jie Jun also suggested that UEB should coordinate with the Organizing Committee to co-organize the Sports Week in the coming years.

The second meeting took place in the afternoon of May 24 between representatives of Faculty of Management and Economics of KMUST and representatives of UEB at the office of the school board. Participants included Mr. Yun Bai - Vice Dean, Prof. Xiong Bin - Director of ASEAN Study Center and Ms. Jiechen Tang from International Exchange and Cooperation Department.


Working with Faculty of Management and Economics from KMUST

With similar training majors, the two universities discussed the cooperation activities on joint training and research. In addition, the leaders of Asean Study Center also wished to have opportunities to cooperate with UEB in research of Asean, and cooperate with VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business. The two also expressed their wish to co-organize conferences, seminars, research projects, etc.

Also within the framework of the Sports Week, after being defeated in the first match by Souphanouvong University, Laos, the male soccer team from VNU University of Economics and Business had two successive wins over Thai Nguyen University and Foreign Trade University. In the final match, the team faced the favorite team to win the championship - Kunming University of Science and Technology.



Open goal in the match against Foreign Trade University scored by Tuan Khai

The tournament is an opportunity for UEB students to meet and play sports with different teams from seven countries in the region, thereby enhancing the friendship among the parties, improving foreign languages skills and making more foreign friends. It is expected to be a promising annual event between the universities as part of student exchange activities and partnership development.

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Thanh Tu - Thu Huyen

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