International seminar on Integrated Reports

On 20th September 2018, The Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, VNU University of Economics and Business organized the seminar under the theme of Integrated Reports.

Attending the seminar, from Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), there were Mrs. Nguyen Thuy Minh Chau - Head of ACCA Mekong; Mr. Jimmy Greer - Head of sustainability - Professional insights; Ms. Le Thi Hau - Head of Education, ACCA Mekong; Ms. Nguyen Mai Chi - Head of ACCA Hanoi; Ms. Le Thi My Hanh - Engagement Manager, ACCA Vietnam, Mr. Nguyen Viet Thinh - Vice President, ACCA Vietnam member committee; CEO, Vietnam Institute of Director - VIOD. From UEB, there were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu - Vice Rector; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Trung Thanh - Head of Research and Partnership Development together with leaders of faculties and offices of the University.

Dr. Huong Lien presents her discussion 

Opening the seminar, Dr. Nguyen Thi Huong Lien presented the research on "Application of integrated reports in Vietnam." According to Dr. Nguyen Thi Huong Lien: Integrated reports are relatively new in Vietnam both in theory and practice. However, in the current trends, investors and business managers need to look at comprehensive information, including financial information and non-financial information such as strategy quality management of enterprises and activities of enterprises related to environment and society. This requires the reports providing to users to be more extensive and comprehensive than the annual reports or financial reports that businesses still provide before.

Mr. Jimmy Greer delivered a presentation on the Integrated Report Framework 

After listening to the presentation of Dr. Huong Lien, Mr. Jimmy Greer delivered a presentation on the Integrated Report Framework for International Standards, World Wide Issues and Good Governance and Towards Sustainable Development. He affirmed this is the trend of enterprises around the world. Investors are increasingly interested in the future development and sustainability of the business through the integration of non-financial indicators (ESG) in their business operations.


Develop a long-term vision, integrate these key issues into the development strategy, apply good international practices, not only to manage the risks well, but also to make a difference and increase highly competitive in accessing investors and attracting new capital.


The seminar took place with a heated discussion between lecturers and business representatives, this is when theoretical knowledge collided directly with the business reality, many problems were suggested, the unification between theory and practice, which is elevated through friction, debate.


The seminar attracted the attention of nearly 100 students of the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing and the Faculty of Finance and Banking, bringing the opportunity to study and acquire knowledge for students. Through the discussion, many students also have questions with the drafting committee express the rapid, smooth interaction between learners - teachers and enterprises.

>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese. 

Tu Uyen

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