“Visit” the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing of the UEB

Students of FAA in the female football champion
With the desire to bring readers better understanding about the VNU University of Economics and Business (UEB), the website’s editorial board would like to launch a series of introduction articles about faculties and training programs of the UEB. This article starts with the youngest member of the UEB - Faculty of Accounting and Auditing (FAA).

1. Introduction of the Faculty

Aiming at providing graduate and post graduate students with accounting training programs of practical and international standard, the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing was established by the end of 2014, being the youngest faculty of the UEB. Despite that, the first bachelor program of the faculty started in 2010 and its graduate students were highly valued for their expertise and professional awareness.

2. Studying at the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing

At the Faculty, students are immersed in a professional academic environment. The curriculum is designed based on regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam National University, Hanoi and social demand, referring to many prestigious accounting training institutions such as University of Sydney, Monash University (Australia), Massey University (New Zealand) etc.

The University uses the credit system outlined by the Ministry of Education and Training, in which, students are free to arrange their schedules and progress. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Anh Tai - Dean of the Faculty said: The curriculum focus not only on class lectures but also on discussion, presentation, research, teamwork as well as practical experiences with case study and talks with experts etc.  There are also some “special” subjects taught only in the FAA, such as “Project Auditing” or “Current problems of accounting”.

Students of class QH-2011-E taking the yearbook photographs

Besides, student’s scientific research is also emphasized in the Faculty. The students are encouraged to take part in research with effective support from lecturers. Various supporting activities are organized to help students with their research. As a result, numerous students of FAA take part in research activities annually. Many research groups win high prizes in research conferences of the Faculty and the University.

In addition, students of FAA are exposed to regular business operations through various events and internship programs. Annually, the FAA organizes internship programs associated with professional activities for students. These programs are carefully organized with support from close partners of the Faculty, including manufacturing enterprises and audit firms.

3. What more besides classes?

What students say about FAA?

“Studying at the FAA is my unforgettable time. Classes give us updated knowledge, opportunities to enhance soft skills with presentations, discussion and practices. The annual internship at enterprises and audit firms give us chance to practice our knowledge and skills. Moreover, students are encouraged to develop personal interest or take part in extracurricular activities in clubs, youth union or student union. These activities help us discover ourselves, master knowledge and skills as well as understand each other.”

Nguyen Thi Bich Hue
Class QH-2011-E

Students of FAA in particular and UEB in general are very active in social and cultural activities as well as in sports. Various clubs and social activities, including camps, seminars and voluntary activities are held annually.

Moreover, the Faculty in collaboration with partners also organizes many professional contests, such as “Conquering career peak FAA”, “Finance students”, “360 Development Economics” etc. These activities provide the playgrounds for students to demonstrate their capabilities as well as opportunities for them to gain access to the employers or valuable scholarships.

4. Tuition fee and scholarship?

Although the Faculty applied the tuition fees under the general regulations of the Government, FAA’s students can enjoy favorable and professional learning environment. Moreover, students with excellent academic and social achievement are opened to various scholarships, such as IMG scholarship (valued 60 million/first prize), scholarships from Sacombank, ACCA, ICAEW, Yamaha etc.

Students and lecturers in a party of the Faculty

5. Employment opportunities?

With reputation of the UEB and the FAA in the education system, many students were received by the enterprises and audit firms after internship. Besides, students have many opportunities working in banks, security and audit firms etc. Various recruitment programs are held by enterprises/organizations also give job opportunities for students of FAA.

At the launching ceremony of the contest “Conquering Career Peak”

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Thanh Tu

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