Ten noteworthy events of the VNU University of Economics and Business in 2015

As the year 2015 wraps up, marking the eventful journey of the UEB in implementing the 5-year development plan of 2011-2015, we would like to name the noteworthy achievements of the University in 2015:

1. The Fifth Congress of the University (term 2015-2020) was successfully held

The Congress was successfully held on 14th May 2015 with attendance of over 100 delegates being members of the Party Committee of the VNU University of Economics and Business.

2. The organization structure of the university was consolidated toward research university model, capacities of staff and lecturers were improved

In 2015, the UEB established the Office of Student Affairs. The Development Fund of the University was founded with contribution from strategic partners. The UEB also appointed the new Vice Rector in charge of research and partnership development, journal and publishing, communication and public relations and international education.

This year, the University organized many exchange activities, aiming at enhancing capabilities of staffs and lecturers. Especially, the outdoor activity “Connecting UEB” for staffs and lecturers of the UEB were successfully held with sponsorship from partners and alumni.

The outdoor activity “Connecting UEB” for staffs and lecturers of the UEB

3. The first lecturer of the UEB received title of Professor (among 7 lecturers receiving titles of Professor and Associate Professor in 2015). This year, the University also attracted one more associate professor, raising the percentage of lecturers with doctoral degrees and above to 72.38%.

4. In 2015, two research group of the UEB were recognized as strong research groups of the VNU, including: the research group “International economic integration” (headed by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son); and “Productivity and quality in Vietnamese enterprises” (headed by Dr. Phan Chi Anh), increasing the number of strong research groups of the UEB to three. The VNU and the UEB are implementing some support programs for strong research groups, in order to gradually bring into effect the preferential treatment for high qualified scientist.

5. In 2015, the UEB undertook many researches and projects at VNU and national levels, which were highly evaluated with spreading effects.

Various researches and projects of the UEB can be named, such as “"ASEAN Economic Community in the new context and participation of Vietnam", “Capacity building of corporate governance in commercial banks of Vietnam”. Within the framework of the researches/projects, many national and international conferences were successfully held, attracting various domestic and international experts.

At the international conference "Corporate governance in the bank restructuring"

In 2015, research activities were highly promoted with nine projects at national level, 100% of VNU-level researches had international publications, funding for researches reached over twenty eight billion VND.

6. Transfer and application of research products were enhanced and highly appreciated by local authorities and organizations, including the Central Economic Commission, National Committee for International Economic Integration. Besides, the UEB leaded four research projects ordered by local authorities of Ha Nam, Nam Dinh, Ninh Binh, Hung Yen, mentioning the typical project of "Building the value chain of mushroom in Ninh Binh", which was highly appreciated for its practical value. This also marks an important achievement of the UEB in transferring research products to government, organizations, enterprises and society.

7. Organization of many large-scale conferences with spreading effect,
including the World Finance and Banking Symposium 2015, with the participation of more than one hundred thirty scholars from forty countries worldwide. In addition, a large number of conferences were organized by the University, such as the International Conference on innovation and renovation of public services and spending, the International Conference " The impacts of TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) on the Vietnamese economy: Macroeconomic Aspects and Livestock Sector, "Economic Integration in East Asia and Implications for Vietnam’s Enterprises”, publication of Annual Economic Report 2015 “Integration Opportunities, Integration Challenges”, international conference on "Corporate governance in the banking restructuring" etc.

The participants of the World Finance and Banking Symposium 2015

8. Successfully organizing the university entrance exam based on capacity assessment model as assigned by VNU.

This year, with breakthrough innovation in enrollment, the university entrance exam was organized based on capacity assessment. The exam received great attention from society as well as participation from a large number of students across the country. Following assignment of VNU, the UEB successfully organized the exams, which were held at the Hanoi University of Industry and Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment.

9. Amendment of curriculum for undergraduate and postgraduate training programs following new regulations of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

10. Enhancing application of information technology to reform educational methods and management. 

In 2015, the UEB was the first member of VNU deploying online tuition payment and online time and attendance tracking system. Besides, the University also upgraded its website, raising the number of webpages to 57, in which 96% of the units of the UEB have websites. This creates solid foundation to promote effective management of training and research as well as communication activities of the university.

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Thanh Tu

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