Eight notable achievements of the UEB in the school year 2015-2016

On the road of becoming the university of quality and international standard, in the school year 2015 – 2016, VNU University of Economics and Business (UEB) continues to achieve notable achievements. The university has summarized the achievements as follows:

1. Completion of quality assessment following standards the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET)

The assessment undertaken by the experts of the Center for Quality Accreditation of Vietnam National University, HCM took place within four days with one day visiting facilities and three days meetings and interviewing. After the assessment, many activities of the UEB have been recognized by the experts According to preliminary results, 87% of the criteria are of standards.

2. Opening high quality training programs in International Economics and Business Administration; finishing adjustment of sixteen training programs.

The newly-opened training programs were upgraded from the two training programs: high quality training program in International Economics and international standard training program in Business Administration. The high quality training program with corresponding tuitions were developed to meet the needs of the society and further improve the training quality of the UEB as well as affirm the fame of the University in high quality and international standard training.

3. Lecturers and researchers of the UEB were highly valued on capacity of scientific research

In the school year 2015-2016, besides transferring research results to the Central Theoretical Council (Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2015), the University has transferred research results for the National Committee for International Economic Cooperation (Project QGTD.13.22: Assessment of the economic integration process of ASEAN and ASEAN + 3 in Vietnam from 2013 to 2015) and received appreciation for the product results.

Furthermore, four teams of UEB’s lecturers were invited to participate in: the board of Chairman of the National Science and Technology Program period 2016-2020, code KX01 / 16/20; Advisory Board of Finance Policy and National Currency; Council of Economics term 2016-2018 of the Development Fund of Science and Technology (NAFOSTED). It can be seen as spreading effects and social recognition for the research results of the UEB over the time.

4. UEB was ranked highly on the ISI (SSCI – Social Sciences Citation Index)

This result was announced by S4VN Project (
Scientometrics for Vietnam) in SSCI statistics table, which named 15 educational institutions leading in number of ISI articles from 2011 to 2015 (1st January 2011 to 26th October 2015). Accordingly, in this sector, VNU ranked No. 2 with 14 articles, including 13 articles contributed by the UEB.

Also in 2015-2016 school year, for the first time, all UEB’s faculties have international papers published in prestigious international journals. Numbers of articles published in international science journals are maintained; particularly the articles published in journals of the database ISI and Scopus

5. In the school year 2015-2016, the UEB’s website was ranked first in Vietnam National University, Hanoi on the impact index.

This is the 5th consecutive year since 2011, UEB’s website has achieved this. The result shows efforts of the University in providing quick and comprehensive information and documents to staff, faculties, students and partners. The website is also an important gateway supporting the University in enrollment, helping parents and students have better understanding about the learning environment at the UEB.

The UEB is also pioneering in applying information technology in management. In this academic year, the UEB was the first unit of VNU applying online tuition payment.

6. Partnership development continues to have spreading effects to training, scientific research, exchange of students, faculty, scholarships, international conferences etc.

This school year, cooperation with domestic and international partners continued to be developed. The University has established and expanding the network of international partners, promoting partnerships with strategic partners: signed 11 cooperation agreements, including 7 new signing memorandums with 7 new international partners.

Effective cooperation brought about new training program as well as exchange opportunities for students and lecturers, enhancing capacity of lecturers in teaching and researching. Besides, the UEB also cooperated with partners to organize many international conferences, attracting domestic and international scholars, namely:
Finance and Banking Symposium 2015, Law in Asia: Vietnam and TPP, Announcement of “Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2016”. Especially, major part of the expense for these activities came from sponsorship.

7. The organizational structures of the University continues to be strengthened

In the 2015-2016 school year and the first six months of 2016, the organizational structure of the University was strengthened with the newly established units: Development Fund; Office of Student Affairs; Department of Audit. The UEB also conducted new appointment and re-appointment of management positions. Within the school year, VNU has also issued the decision to reappoint the Rector, newly-appointed new Vice Rector for the UEB.

8. Maintaining Certification of Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2008 and proceed to transfer to version ISO 9001: 2015

In October 2015, Vietnam Certification Center (Quacert) organized the 3rd surveillance assessment - stage 2 the Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2008 in UEB - VNU. Based on the assessment results, Quacert decided to maintain certification to ISO 9001: 2008 for the UEB.

Applying ISO in operation helped the University gradually improve management in order to standardize processes and create preconditions for integration into the region and the world. To improve the quality management system, the UEB has plans to transfer to the Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2015 in the near future. The training for staffs and employees has been held recently.

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Hoang Lam

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