New Year Letter from Rector of the UEB

In the joyful atmosphere of the New Year 2017, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son- Rector sends a letter to the Lecturers, Staff, and Students of VNU University of Economics and Business. The letter is as follows:


Dear all staff, lecturers, and students of the VNU University of Economics and Business,


On the occasion of the New Year 2017, on behalf of the Party Committee and the Management Board of VNU University of Economics and Business, I would like to convey my cordial greetings and best wishes to generations of lecturers, staff, and students who have worked and studied at the University.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - UEB's Rector

Thanks to the tradition of solidarity and the relentless efforts of all the staff, lecturers, and students, the University has wrapped up the year 2016 successfully. We have overcome so many challenges and gained remarkable achievements to mark steady development in its path to become a research oriented university of an international standard. We are happy that VNU University of Economics and Business has been accredited in accord with standards of the Ministry of Education and Training; successfully bidden a number of State-level projects; opened four new undergraduate and graduate training programs. We are proud that the lecturers of our University are highly appreciated in their doing research and consultancy competences. They have been invited to take part in national level research projects and advisory councils…

It is possible to say that those successes have been obtained thanks to the intellectual contributions, the creativity, and the continuous dedications of each member and the whole body of the University. We therefore can take a great pride of the University. This is truly the motivation for us to strive in 2017 and the following years.

On behalf of the Management Board of the VNU University of Economics and Business, I warmly praise the contributions and outstanding efforts of you all. With such a solid foundation and the steadily established branding, the year 2017 (when the University celebrates its tenth year anniversary of establishment and forty-fifth year of tradition) is expected to witness the University will make a breakthrough development in which more tailored training products satisfactorily meeting needs of the society in quality and practicality and tailored research and consulting services of an international and national standard will be created.

In a cheery atmosphere of the upcoming spring, I would like to call on the lecturers, staff, and students to further strive for the goal of making the VNU University of Economics and Business to become a high quality training institution, a prestigious research and service delivery center catching up with the new industrial revolution (4.0 industry) as well as to contribute to the national innovation process. Developing constantly, with high quality, of breakthrough, and sustainably towards a research-oriented university will always be long-term development strategy of the UEB.

On the occasion of the New Year, I again wish all the staff, lecturers, students and your families a good health, happiness and prosperity.

I wish VNU University of Economics and Business a success!

With very best wishes.

Rector of VNU University of Economics and Business
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son

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