UEB student gained K-T scholarship (first stage of year 2008)

On 17th April 2008, the first stage of year 2008 K-T scholarship ceremony was held at the Vietnam National University, Hanoi for 15 best students, who have had difficult situations. Miss. Tran Thi Van Anh, Foreign Economics QH-2006-E of UEB has gained this scholarship.

The scholarships this time were also granted for 3 Hanoi University of Science’s students, 4 students from University of Social Science and Humanity, 2 college of IT’s students, 1 student of Law Faculty and an other one student from Education Faculty. Almost those students have had the difficult situations such as poor families, families to receive the aid from government and orphans.

K-T scholarship was designed for VNU’s students and this time was the fifteen. The scholarship was increased from 1 million to 2 millions this year. Ms. Phan Thi Khoa, the founder of the fund, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pham Trong Quat, VNU’s party committee secretary and Vice Director and some other heads of departments and trainings were attended the ceremony.

On behalf of VNU’s leaders, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pham Trong Quat has expressed his thanks to the founder ‘s family, Ms. Phan Thi Khoa and other donators, who have cared about the education and helped the students to overcome their situation to achieve the best performance. He also stated his hope to the students to use the scholarship in a useful way for their studies.

Viet An

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