The VNU-UEB celebrates its 5th anniversary

UEB’s staff and students perform at the celebration ceremony
On 16th November 2012, VNU University of Economics and Business has solemnly celebrated its 5th anniversary and towards 40-year tration. The celebration is an important milestone which is to recall the earlier path and towards the path ahead.

Attending to the ceremony was Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Quang Quy - Deputy Minister of Education and Training, Prof.Dr. Mai Trong Nhuan - VNU President, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phung Xuan Nha - VNU Vice President and leaders of VNU’s deparments. Representatives of institutes, universities, enterprises and UEB’s partners; UEB’s staff and former staff, students, graduates and alumni together with the media also participated in the ceremony.
In the opening speech of the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son, Rector of VNU University of Economics and Business has reviewed the milestones in the nearly 40 years period of UEB’s development (1974 - 2012). Formerly known as the Political Economics Faculty in the University of Hanoi (1974 - 1995), the VNU University of Economics and Business has overcome through challenging periods with different names: Faculty of Economics of the VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities (1995 - 1999); Faculty of Economics directly under Vietnam National University (1999 - 2007); and VNU University of Economics and Business (2007 to present). At each stage, the university achieved notable results, which contributed to UEB’s glorious tradition and confirmed the constant effort of the university.
Especially in the period of 5 years since 2007, the university has achieved breakthrough achievements in training, scientific research, cooperation and human resources management. With a new vision: to become one of the leading research-oriented universities of the country, the VNU University of Economics and Business has been entering a new era, setting quality as the core value in all activities to gradually approach the level of the region and the world.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - UEB Rector in his opening speech at the ceremony

Many distinguished guests, UEB staff and students at the ceremony

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son pointed out: along with the direction of UEB’s Management Board and senior leaders’ guidance, the university’s achievements are the results of tireless efforts and devotion of generations of UEB staff, faculty and students.
The UEB staff and leaders are proud of their initial successes; however, the university is always well aware of the important mission of training high-quality human resources, connecting knowledge and becoming a research-oriented university, reaching regional and international standard.
“I believe that although there still are many difficulties ahead, the UEB is hoped to fulfill its objectives set out, bringing the university’s a higher position and contribute to the development of the country. These missions are accomplished along with the base of nearly 40 years history, important earlier achievements, highly qualified staff, a dynamic working environment, together with the effective cooperation of UEB’s partners, and above all the support of the Party, the State and VNU leaders” - said Assoc.Prof.Dr Son.
As the Vietnamese Teachers’ Day 20 November is coming, the UEB Rector has expressed his congratulations to generations of staff of the university. He hoped to receive their further participation and support in all training and research activities, actively contributing to the development of the UEB in particular and the national education and training.
With the achievements through 40 years of construction and development, the Government and MOET have granted Labor Medal (1997 and 2004); Certificate of Merit and rewards to the Faculty of Economics/University of Economics and Business. At the celebration ceremony, it was an honor to the UEB to reveive the Certificate of Merit by the Ministry of Education and Training and the Vietnam National University, Hanoi.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Quang Quy - Deputy Minister of Education and Training grants the Ministry’s Certificate of Merit to the UEB

Prof.Dr. Mai Trong Nhuan - VNU Presidetn (right) awards the university for its excellent performance in period of 2007 - 2012

At the ceremony, the guests, UEB’s former faculties, alumni and partners also congratulated the university on its 5th anniversary and expressed their thoughts and suggestions for the university in the new stage of development.
MOET Deputy Minister Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Quang Quy also expressed his cheer as the university has a clear and strategic development direction in training and research to provide high-qualitied human resources in economics, management and business administration; pay attention to research quality and transfer research outcomes to the government, social organizations and enterprises. He also suggested number of important directions which require constant effort to achive the objectives set out in the coming years.
In his congratulations to the university, Prof.Dr Mai Trong Nhuan spoke: The UEB will continue its achievements, makes the 40 years tradition the impetus to have higher determination and union to develop the University of Economics and Business to a successful high-qualified research university. In which, the university should pay the priority to develop a group of sustainable staff and managers, gradually achieves international standards and remains its enthusiasm, dedication and innovation.

Prof.Dr. Tran Ngoc Hien - Former Dean of Faculty of Economics (1993-1995) expresses his feeling at the ceremony

Mr. Truong Minh Thanh

Mr. Truong Minh Thanh - Vice General Director of Hanoi Trade Corporation (Hapro) was repsenting UEB’s domestic partners to congratulate the achievements of the university, especially its effective cooperation activities with enterprises and associations. However, he thought that the cooperation between universities and businesses in general, and the collaboration between Hapro and the UEB in the field of training and scientific research is still not equal to the potential of each party. The win-win cooperation should be speedily promoted, especially in human resources training in accordance with business needs.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Bo Linh

Also speaking at the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Bo Linh (Alumni of second course, National Assembly’s Commission for Science, Technology and Environment) recalled unforgettable memories of teachers and students on the earlier days of the Faculty of Economics. He especially emphasized the impression of dedicated teachers, who devoted their time and knowledge to generations of students; always encouraged students to participate in scientific research based on actual practice. The philosophy of “research university” has started since then. On 5th anniversary of the UEB, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Bo Linh sent his profound gratitude to the staff, teachers and students of the university.

Mr. Alistair Crozier

Mr. Alistair Crozier, Deputy Head of Mission - New Zealand Embassy to Vietnam has attended to the ceremony and congratulated the university. He emphasized: We are proud of having contributed to establish high-qualified training programs between Massey University and the University of Economics and Business, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. We hope that in the future, there will be other New Zealand’s universities cooperate with the UEB. The Embassy of New Zealand stands ready to support the UEB to achieve similar accomplishments.

Closing the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Anh Tai - UEB Vice Rector thanked all the distinguished guests, delegates and partners for their active collaboration with the university in recent years, especially in the celebration activities of UEB’s 5th anniversary. He affirmed that the UEB would constantly strive for its goals and the missions assigned, deserving the trust of the society.
The ceremony is the opportunity for generations of UEB’s teachers and students to meet, and for the university and its partners to look back the cooperation process and share their experience. Accordingly, participants could reaffirm the accuracy of the UEB’s development direction, which pursues high quality in training, research and consultancy services.

The overview of 5th anniversary celebration ceremony of the VNU University of Economics and Business.

Center for Communication and Public Relations - UEB

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