Book: Innovation and human resource development

This book aims at providing graduate and undergraduate students with the fundamentals of innovation and the status of human resources capacity for innovation in Vietnamese companies.

Author: Phung Xuan Nha, Le Quan, Ho Nhu Hai

Publishing house: Vietnam National University Press, Hanoi

Year: 2013

Place of publish: Hanoi

Size: 16cm x 24cm

Number of page: 262, hard cover

The book has three parts. The first part contains chapters that provide review of the academic research on innovation from many difference perspectives including the concepts of innovation the role and importance of innovation, types of innovation, sources of innovation; barriers to innovation, approaches to innovation and innovation management; national innovation systems; and human resources development for innovation. The second part contains chapters that present the survey results from the innovation study in Vietnamese companies in 2012 conducted by the authors. This study described and analyzed the current approaches to innovation in Vietnamese companies; their current human resources capacity for innovation, with an in-depth analysis on strengths and weaknesses, challenges and advantages as well as their willingness to make innovation. In the second part of the book, the authors also present a proposed solution and recommendations for developing human resources capacity for innovation in Vietnamese companies. The third part contains innovation in Vietnamese companies. The third part contains innovation case studies from around the globe as reference for Vietnamese companies.

This book is unique in that it brings together not only a synthesis of academic research on innovation but also link this research with an empirical study on human resources development focused on innovation in Vietnamese companies. This will give readers practical insights about how companies can innovate and build capacity for innovation. All the contributing authors are faculty members at the Vietnam National University, Hanoi.


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