Book: Vietnam and the UK: Economic-trade relations towards a low-carbon economy and sustainable development

The book is a publication published within the framework of "Vietnam - UK Economic and Trade Forum 2021", by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le, Rector of VNU University of Economics and Business, Standing Vice Chairman of Vietnam - UK Friendship Association, Head of Organizing Committee "Vietnam - UK Economic and Trade Forum 2021" as editor.

Author: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le (Editor)

Cover Type: Paperback

Book size: 16 x 24 cm

Number of pages: 720

Cover price: 860,000 Vietnam Dong

Place of publication: Vietnam National University, Hanoi Publishing House

ISBN: 978-604-342-6403

The research results presented in this book are carried out by scientists, lecturers, experts, managers with reputation and experience in the fields of research and teaching about Vietnam and UK. The highlight of the book is to provide readers with general information on the current situation, lessons learned and policy implications of Vietnam and the UK in all areas of development cooperation, especially, are opportunities to promote the bilateral cooperation between Vietnam and the UK in depth and effectiveness within the framework of the Free Trade Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UKVFTA).

The 2021 marks important events in the cooperation relationship between Vietnam and the UK: celebrating the 48th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the UK; The Free Trade Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UKVFTA) officially comes into force; Vietnam attended the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) in the United Kingdom. In particular, in November 2021, Vietnam attended COP26 in Glaslow, Scotland. COP26 is considered the last chance and hope to curb global warming as the Paris Agreement was adopted by the world in 2015 with the expectation of reducing global warming temperature below 1.5-20C compared with pre-industrial times. The government, business community and society of Vietnam will connect with the UK as the host country of COP26 to promote policy, financial, technical and social solutions to support countries, in which Vietnam has implemented 17 sustainable development goals and National Voluntary Commitments to be able to achieve the emission reduction targets in the Paris Agreement. Economic and environmental reports globally recognize the difficulties and challenges that countries (including Vietnam and the UK) are facing in implementing their commitments to reduce emissions and the negative impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on economies.

In the context of opportunities and challenges posed to both sides, "Vietnam - UK Economic and Trade Forum 2021" chaired by VNU University of Economics and Business in collaboration with the Department of Climate Change (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment), the International Center for Agroforestry Research (ICRAFCIFOR) and the Vietnam - UK Friendship Association, towards the following objectives: (1) Connecting trade, service and investment partners of Vietnam and the UK to promote cooperation between the two sides associated with education, training and science and technology; (2) Assessing the current situation and find solutions to develop high-quality human resources, train to meet the needs of enterprises and solve social problems; (3) Assessing the current situation and finding solutions to improve the efficiency of science and technology management and environmental protection, contributing to removing current investment and trade barriers and enhancing international cooperation; (4) Providing scientific arguments, policy, financial, technical and social solutions towards the goal of developing a low-emission economy, supporting Vietnam and other countries to implement the Paris Agreement and at the same time contribute to Vietnam's recommendations at COP26.

This book is a publication published within the framework of the Forum, including 34 articles structured in 3 parts with 3 groups of topics as follows:

Part 1: Trade cooperation, investment and business environment in Vietnam and the UK

Part 2: Developing a circular economy, a low-carbon economy oriented to climate change response and sustainable development in Vietnam and the UK;

Part 3: Cooperation in culture, education, vocational training, science and technology in Vietnam and the UK.

The highlight of the book is to provide readers with general information on the current situation, lessons learned and policy implications of Vietnam and the UK in all areas of development cooperation, especially. These are opportunities to promote Vietnam - UK bilateral cooperation in depth and effectiveness within the framework of UKVFTA

>> Author of the book:


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le received a master's degree in Economics, majoring in Foreign Trade in association with Finance - Banking at the University of Gdansk (Poland) in 2000; received a PhD in Economics from Kingston University London (United Kingdom) 2006. From 2002 to 2006, he researched and taught at Kingston University London and participated in UK Government projects supporting development for British, Greek and Polish businesses. He used to be a financial consultant in the field of banking, investment, building management systems for economic groups and had time working with the Central Bank of Poland, BIG Bank Gdank

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le is currently the Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the VNU University of Economics and Business and at the same time holds the position of Standing Vice Chairman of the Vietnam - UK Friendship Association and an expert on policy research for Government in the fields of: public management, restructuring of economic groups and non-traditional security. Up to now, he has published 5 monographs, 35 scientific articles on economics and business in prestigious domestic and international journals. He is also the Chairman of the organizing committee of many international economic and trade forums.


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