The UEB hands research products over to the Central Theoretical Council

21 April, 2014, the UEB leaders had a working session at the Theory Council of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, where the UEB hand over the research outcome to the council.

Attending the meeting, Standing Vice Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council Prof.Dr. Phung Huu Phu, Council Secretary General Dr. Nguyen Viet Thong, the UEB Rector Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son, Director of the Vietnam Center for Economic Research and Policy Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh - Chief Editor of Vietnam Annual Economic Report. The staff of the council and the university also joined the meeting.

On behalf of UEB leaders, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son has handed over several research products to the council such as Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2013 titled on the bumpy road to future and other researches on management quality, Vietnamese women’s entrepreneurship, economics theories. The UEB Rector introduced to the council the research and advisory programs implemented by the university this year. He expressed his hope that the UEB would continue to receive the cooperation of the council in the coming period.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son speaks at the meeting

Highly appreciating the new progress in research and advisory service of the UEB, Prof.Dr. Phung Huu Phu suggested that the university and the council should coordinate in some research programs, especially organizing conferences this year.
This is the fourth year that the UEB hands research products over to the Central Theoretical Council. Expressing his thanks to precious scientific publications, Prof.Dr. Phung Huu Phu believed in good and long-term relationship between the council and the university in the next period.


Prof.Dr. Phung Huu Phu highly appreciates research and advisory services which the university is offering to enterprises.

Thach Anh - Bao Anh

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