Conference "Basic and Urgent Problems in Land in Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas in Vietnam"

Within the framework of implementation of state-level scientific research project CTDT.39.18/16-20, on 11 October 2018, VNU University of Economics and Business organized a scientific conference on the subject at Hall 801, No. 144 Xuan Thuy Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi.

Within the framework of implementation of state-level scientific research project CTDT.39.18/16-20, on 11 October 2018, VNU University of Economics and Business organized a scientific conference on the subject at Hall 801, No. 144 Xuan Thuy Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi.

Attending the conference, there were Dr.Phan Van Hung - Deputy Minister, Vice Chairman of Committee for Ethnic Minorities; Dr. Nguyen Lam Thanh - Vice Chairman of National Assembly, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Rector of VNU University of Economics and Business; with speakers, scientists and lecturers, students of UEB.

Speaking at the seminar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Truc Le emphasized that this was a necessary topic which contributed the number of great practical values. UEB was honored to be the implementing unit. It is hoped that the research results of the project will have a positive impact on the people's life, social – economic of mountainous ethnic minority people, solving some existing issues.


Dr. Nguyen Lam Thanh, Dr. Phan Van Hung and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Truc Le chaired the conference

At the seminar, Vice Minister Phan Van Hung said that among the registration documents, profile of University of Economics and Business was the best record and University was selected by the State Council for the implementation of the topic. He expressed his confidence to the team of experts and researchers from University of Economics and Business - Vietnam's leading research university that will carry out this important topic.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen An Thinh

Participants in seminar listened to presentations by scientists. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen An Thinh opened the seminar by introducing the topic, research design and questionnaire, in which he pointed out the urgency of the topic at various angles from society, economics to environmental resources. In addition, he pointed out that the basic research content is the theoretical and practical basis of land issues in ethnic minority and mountainous areas of Vietnam , legal documents of state or only out the situation and the basics.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thinh

In particular, he outlines some models in using land such as sustainable livelihoods on sloping land; Model in an effective using land with border security; Model in using land associated with social -cultural factors; Model in using land for climate change adaptation, natural disaster mitigation and environmental protection; model in using land for population distribution and population stabilization; model in using land associated with migration and resettlement.


MSc. Dinh Ngoc Ha

Next report named: "Some issues of state management on land of ethnic minorities" was reported by MSc. Dinh Ngoc Ha. In this presentation, he made three central resolutions on land, together with the Land Laws of 1993, 2003 and 2013, and a number of Governmental Decrees on Land Management. Remarkably, he pointed out the difficulties, limit on using land (1)Management and using land of state
agriculture, forestry enterprises are poor, low efficiency; review layout for landless people and lack of productive land; (2) No stable population has been established for landslide and flood warning areas ... in a sustainable manner; (3) The policies for ethnic minorities are very numerous and duplicated, resulting in a low investment efficiency; (4) Policies to support residential land and productive land for ethnic minorities in the past time are very necessary, however, localities do not have enough land fund to implement the policy.


The presentations were presented in different angles to analyze, clarify the reality and causes of some problems. A few questions raised at the conference came from the guests who created a lively, objective and scientific atmosphere. The guests appreciated the presentation presented at the conference and gave many comments to Board of Management.


The delegates listened attentively

Seminar is part of the effort of UEB to create a research network among experts, policy makers in the country as well as academics interested in developing University of Economics and Business to become a prestige research university in the region and in the world.

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