Technology would completely change business operation

This was shared by Mr. ManikNarahan Saha - Director of SAP Asia-Pacific and Japan in the talk show with students of VNU University of Economics and Business (UEB) on 23rd February 2019.

The talk show was held by UEB under the theme of “The Impact of Technological Changes on Business”. Attending the talk show, there were Mr. Truong Duc Luong - General Director of Vietnam Network Security JSC (VSEC); Mr. Pham Gia Bao - Blockchain expert; Mr. Tang Ngoc Truong An - General Director of IBOSSES Vietnam; Mr. Tran Duc Loi - Director of Operations, IBOSSES Vietnam; Dr. Nguyen Hoai Long - Lecturer of Marketing Department, National Economics University; Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Anh Thu - Vice Rector of UEB.


The keynote speaker was Mr. Manik Narayan Saha - CIO of SAP in Asia - Pacific and Japan. While working at the Singapore office, he was responsible for managing IT services with more than 30,000 employees.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu speaks at the talk show 

In addition, the talk show had a discussion session with the participation of many experts in the field of economics, business and technology. In this session, students had the opportunity to interact, learn and give questions to the experts.

Mr. Manik Narayan Saha gives presentation  

According to Mr. Saha, advances in technology are capable of making significant changes as well as incredible opportunities. Technological innovation required businesses to identify and choose the right way for development, taking opportunities as well as combat threats to create competitive advantages. New technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Learning Machines, Blockchain, etc will create huge changes in business models.


Meanwhile, businesses that know how to apply technology in production, distribution and PR activities, will dominate the market. The technology would help to improve the efficiency of the operation and help the products to reach consumers easily.

The discussion session was chaired by Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Anh Thu 

After the presentation of the speaker, the discussion session was chaired by Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Anh Thu. In this section, the speakers received many questions from experts and students. The questions related to many issues such as: With the emergence of blockchain technology, which careers will have dramatic changes in the business? In this context, how should the students prepare to step into the businesses? Which changes should the tertiary education have to adapt to this context?

 >>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese. 

Thanh Tu - Mai Mai

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