UEB’s lecturer attended international conference on financial education and Fintech

Accepting the invitation from Asian Development Bank Institute, Dr. Dinh Thi Thanh Van – Associate Dean of Faculty of Finance and Banking, VNU University of Economics and Business attended the annual conference of ADBI on financial literacy, finance training and Fintech in Tokyo, Japan from 28-29 November 2019.

ADBI is the institute established in 1997 with personnel coming from 11 countries. The institute provides research for policy makers in member countries of ADB (Asian Development Bank). The research mainly focus on mid-term and long-term development issues which affects the overall situation in the region as well as provide courses and training activities to promote management capacity for members of ADB aiming at poverty eradication. ADBI is ranked among the top 25 think tanks worldwide in the reports of Global Go to Think Tank Index (2018) and hold the second place among best research institute for government in 5 consecutive years.

In the context of fast-changing financial technology in Asia – Pacific, operation of commercial banks need changes toward digital finance services to meet customers’ demands. The conference in 2019 was under the theme of financial literacy, finance training and Fintech.

Attending the conference are speakers and policy makers in the region such as Chairman of ADB – Dr. TakihikoNako or Dr. Leonardo Gambacorta from Bank for International Settlements, Dr. Chen Long – Chairman of Luo Han Institute (China) together with representatives from IFC, WB and the state bank of Vietnam, Ministry of Finance etc.

Dr. Dinh Thi Thanh Van presented in the 2nd of workshop
Chairman of ADB – Dr. TakihikoNako presented in the Workshop

The conference comprises 9 sessions. Dr. Dinh Thi Thanh Van was invited to comment for the presentations of 2 presenters: Prof. Douglas Cumming from Florida Alantic University and Mr. Shri N.S. Vishwanathan - Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India.

Chairman of ADB – Dr. TakihikoNako took photo with speakers
Besides, she also presented the experiences in financial education in Vietnam in the context of digital economy. The comments from Dr. Dinh Thi Thanh Van were highly appreciated for its logic and compatible with development of banking sector.
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Thanh Tu

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