RCES and the introduction of “UEB Category of Student Scientific Research”

Research is often labelled by the youth as arid, from another angle, it however can be seen as either a challenging and joyful “journey” of discoveries when promising results are gained, expectations are met, and outcomes are useful for the real life.

Following its internationalization and research promotion strategies, VNU University of Economics and Business has increasingly affirmed its academic position when producing high-quality research products, setting a foundation for the improvement of teaching, learning, and policy advisory, and contributing to the socio-economic development. In research, the University has always facilitated its faculties, PhD candidates, graduate and undergraduate students for activeness and creativity. The University plays an important role in directing and coordinating research activities as well as diversifying resources for research purposes.

Student research has received attention from the University for long, especially since the Research Community for Economics Students (RCES) was established on October 25, 2014. RCES bridges students and research through annual projects such as I Research, RCES Companion, RCES Spreadout…etc. With its mission of bringing research closer to students, RCES is doing its best to bring out a diverse and close-knit view of research, and one of such prominent, connected products is the UEB Category of Student Scientific Research.

The Category is part of RCES Spreadout, a non-profit project, with the aim of spreading valuable experiences and knowledge about research to economics students. The Category is compiled and published online twice a year by RCES, with the technical assistance of the Office of Journal and Publishing, the Office of Scientific Research and Development Cooperation, the Youth Union at the University.

So far, the Category of Student Scientific Research has published its fourth volume. It has received a lot of attention and appreciation from students inside and outside of the University. It is considered as a serious product, showing the enthusiasm of RCES members, the competences and contributions of the students in research. The Category is of great values as it:

- Provides students with useful knowledge and information they should know about research.

- Publishes excellent, top research ideas and results made by the students inside and outside of the University.

- Connects academic communities for students, supporting and promoting them to do research.

- Introduces useful and valuable lessons for students through the sharing of teachers, thereby inspiring to do research and showing them the right direction for research.

Published volumes:


Volume 1, UEB Category of Student Scientific Research (December 2019)

Volume 1 contains Part 1:  Summary of the researches of the VNU-UEB students who won high prizes in 2018-2019; Part 2: Summary of some outstanding economic events in 2019, including an overview of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics; and Part 3: Book reviews "Food security in post-conflict Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities" by Bishnu Raj Upreti, Sagar Raj Sharma, Suman Babu Paudel and "Chronicles: On our troubled times” by Thomas Piketty.

Although this is the first issue, the category received more than 3,000 hits from economics students on RCES's Fanpage.

>> See details: UEB Category of Student Scientific Research, Volume 1


Volume 2, UEB Category of Student Scientific Research (June 2020)

Volume 2 contains Part 1: Summary of research carried out VNU-UEB students who won high prizes in 2019-2020; Part 2: Summary of outstanding economic events in 2020 including EVFTA Agreement on textile and garment exports, the appearance of Facebook's Libra coin; Part 3: Introduction of some books, for instance “Belt and road economics” by the World Bank.

After its online publication, the Category received a high volume of 9,000 responses from students who loved research on rces.info.

See details: Volume 2, UEB Category of Student Scientific Research


Volume 3, UEB Category of Student Scientific Research (December 2020)

At the end of 2020, with the desire of bringing spiritual values ​​​​to students who entered the last stage of their research, RCES published the Category Volume 3 with Part 1:  Summary of research by VNU-UEB students; Part 2: Summary of outstanding economic events in 2020, for instance EVFTA Agreement, COVID-19 pandemic; Part 3: Useful sharing about research experiences. This is a new part of this Volume, in which RCEs introduces the interview with Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh and student Hoang Duc Chinh with a hope that it will help students who read the publication find themselves inspired and learn more experience when doing research. Perhaps this is the part that many students look forward to because it provides practical advices for someone who just start their first steps in doing research; and Part 4: Introduce some good books on economics in the world. The book in this Volume is "Economic book review" reviewed by Tran Manh Cuong. It is an useful and interesting book on economics that RCES suggests students to read it.

This Volume continues to receive love and enthusiastic support from readers with more than 3,000 interactions on RCES’s fan page, nearly 5,000 visitors on the website, and always remains the top search on RCES website. The Volume receives positive feedbacks from readers and even some letters from students who have a desire to publish articles in the coming issues.

See details: Volume 3, UEB Category of Student Scientific Research

Volume 4, UEB Category of Student Scientific Research (June 2021)

RCES continues publishing the Category in June 2021 with Part 1: Summary of scientific research by students inside and outside the VNU-UEB. In this issue, the manuscripts from out-of-UEB student community are submitted for publication; Part 2: Summary of outstanding economic events in 2021 with some "hot spots" such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the UK-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (FTA); Part 3: Introduction of some good books on economics in the world. This book review includes many interesting books introduced by Mr. Tran Manh Cuong; and Part 4: Sharings of how to do research. RCES is very honored to receive the sharing from Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu, Vice Rector of the VNU-UEB and a group of research students who won the champion of Student Scientific Research Contest at the VNU-UEB in 2020-2021.

See details: Volume 4, UEB Category of Student Scientific Research

One of the factors that make up the success of the UEB Category of Student Scientific Research is the support and love from readers who are passionate about research. Your interest is a great motivation for RCES to publish quality volumes. We hope that you will continue to follow and support the RCES Spreadout project as well as the UEB Category of Student Scientific Research Section!

Looking forward to receiving attention, support and response from students inside and outside the University so that the UEB Category of Student Scientific Research continues to develop and spread the love of doing research to economic student communities!

>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese. 

Nhat Linh (Tran.)

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