Top 4 UEB lecturers with international articles in the first half of 2021: Blooming results thanks to efforts and passion

Scientific articles published in prestigious international journals are a clear demonstration of the relentless efforts, extensive research capacity, creativity, and persistence of researchers on the journey of conquering and spreading knowledge. In the first half of 2021, the UEB witnessed the joy of having many research projects published in leading international journals, which is the contribution of qualified staff and lecturers with strong passion for research, affirming the academic prestige of the University. Below are the top 4 most prominent UEB scientists.

International publications are of great significance

Publishing papers in prestigious journals in the world is extremely important, the more quality research works are recognized, the higher the academic reputation of individuals and organizations will be which gradually strengthens their position and "voice” in science community. To do that, the authors have to go through a difficult process with effort, diligence, seriousness, creativity to explore and discover regardless of day and night.

UEB, with its innovative efforts in research activities, has been gradually asserting its position in the fields of economics, business and management research with certain achievements of staff and lecturers, the University has contributed efforts and wisdom to bring about works of great value, high practical applicability, which are recognized by the domestic and international scientific community. With these positive signals, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Rector of the University commented on the meaning and importance of publishing scientific articles: “The more research works an agency or organization has been recognized, the more it will mark its prestige in that field of research resulting in improvement of academic prestige, which makes positive contributions to socio-economic construction and development..."

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Rector of the UEB: "Our University always creates the best conditions in all aspects so that lecturers can have the opportunity to develop their research and publish their articles in prestigious international journals”- Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Rector of UEB

In the first half of the year, lecturers of UEB have achieved certain results in both quantity and quality of research, many articles have been published in international journals listing in ISI/Scopus, this shows the University's internationalization orientation and development goal to become a leading unit in research.

Who are the top 4 "champions” of UEB's number of international published articles in the first half of 2021?

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh - Dean of Faculty of Development Economics

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh is the first name we have to mention on this list. In order to have outstanding achievements with many major international articles published in Q1, Q2 ranked journals of the ISI/Scopus list, it must come from his strong passion for scientific research.

For Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh, "Scientific research creates our core values", so even though he is currently holding many different positions in management, teaching... Mr. Thinh still makes the most of his free time outside of work and personal life to exchange expertise, conduct scientific research, compose books and articles: “For me, research is maintained as regularly as a daily routine”. He also attributed his success to luck when in the process of working, he was always supported and cooperated actively by professors, colleagues, and partners. to deal with large workloads with the best result.

Articles published in international journals of Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh in the first half of 2021

• Diversified responses to contemporary pressures on sloping agricultural land: Thai farmer’s perception of mountainous landscapes in northern Vietnam.

• Conflicts in natural resource use on small islands (Ly Son, Vietnam).

• Challenging slopes: Ethnic minority livelihoods, state visions, and land-use land cover change in Vietnam’s northern mountainous borderlands.

• Livelihood vulnerability to climate change in the mountains of Northern Vietnam: comparing the Hmong and the Dzao ethnic minority populations.

• Impacts of Simulated Acid Rain on the Growth and the Yield of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in the Mountains of Northern Vietnam.

• Improving Irrigation Water Use Efficiency of Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora) Production in Lam Dong Province, Vietnam.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh: “For scientists who start their scientific research journey and publishing articles in international journals, I think there are three most important factors: hard work; spirit of cooperation; and the spirit of learning, seeking, and being willing to accept differences”


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh commented that lecturers of the University of Economics and Business, VNU are now well-trained at prestige universities and research institutes at home and abroad, therefore, they would have professional knowledge and good research capacity. Many lecturers have had very good publications while studying abroad. However, international publication while working in Vietnam is a challenge, the most important of which is the challenge of time and funding for research.

“For scientists who start their scientific research journey and publishing articles in international journals in Vietnam, I think there are three most important factors. The first factor is hard work. This is the most important virtue of the researcher, thanks to this virtue, the researcher can maintain this job on a regular basis, overcoming the pressures of work, family, income... - problems that young scientists rarely face when doing research in a foreign academic environment. The second factor is the spirit of cooperation and teamwork skills. Most current research requires collaboration between scientists and assignments within research groups. The last factor is the spirit of learning, curiosity, willingness to accept differences in the research group to receive new theories and new research methods.”- Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh shared.

Dr. To The Nguyen - Vice Dean of Faculty of Political Economy

Sharing about the leading route to scientific research, Dr. To The Nguyen confided that since he was a college student, he always wanted to do research, but at that time, due to technology limitations, it was difficult to access broad knowledge. Later as a lecturer, Dr. Nguyen still keeps this passion which then turns to scientific products, however, he has to face many difficulties such as lack of information, background knowledge... or barriers such as: supporting technology, logic of research problem, research design, and language - There were times when publishing in international journals seemed like a difficult "dream"

However, carrying a great determination, cultivating knowledge every day, gradually learning and mastering knowledge, technology... with the help and encouragement of faculty colleagues, Dr. To The Nguyen was free from his concerns and devoted to producing scientific products recognized in the world's leading journals.

  Dr. To The Nguyen: "The continuous cooperation in research is very important, because you can discuss to come up with more ideas, discuss to understand more new knowledge from your colleagues”

Articles published in international journals by Dr. To The Nguyen in the first half of 2021:

• On the (a)symmetric effects of real exchange rate on trade flows: New evidence from US-Vietnam trade balance at the industry level

• Economic impact of political ties in Vietnam: Evidence from northern rural households

• Technical efficiency and the adoption of multiple agricultural technologies in the mountainous areas of Northern Vietnam

• Market-oriented extension and farming efficiency in small-scale maize farmers: evidence from Northern Vietnam 

Concluding after long journeys full of desire and overcoming difficulties, Dr. Nguyen said: "Try and try your best, then the final products will come, that's when you experience the joy. Moreover, continuous collaboration in research is very important, because through it you can discuss to generate more ideas, discuss to understand more new knowledge from colleagues.

Dr. Nguyen Xuan Dong - Lecturer of the Faculty of Development Economics

As one of the lecturers with years of experience, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Dong has had research papers published in leading national and international journals. “When doing academic research, the greatest joy is that my research results are published in prestigious international journals under the ISI or Scopus catalog. Because it is a product of research that is internationally recognized and saved forever for scholars of future generations to read and refer to. That research result also shows that I have the ability to publish internationally and conquer the academic world, contributing to the development of social sciences in general and the field of economics in particular.”- Dr. Nguyen Xuan Dong shared.

In order to have the full joy of publishing a research paper in a prestigious international journal, the doctor himself, as well as many other scholars, has to face many difficulties and challenges, which is when research results were not as expected, manuscripts were rejected... But as researchers, they always carry in themselves a strong desire to conquer, the initial failures do not make them give up, or be discouraged, but on the contrary, they strengthen their motivation and confidence to continue to strive for more.


Dr. Nguyen Xuan Dong: “In the process of scientific research, I always receive support from the University and colleagues in terms of mechanisms of work, opinions on the direction in academic research. Those are also the necessary conditions for research activities to be nurtured, developed and formed on a sustainable manner"

Articles published in international journals by Dr. Nguyen Xuan Dong in the first half of 2021:

• Do Minimum Wages Increase Female Employment? Evidence from Vietnamese Manufacturing Firms

• Minimum Wages and Firm Exports: Evidence from Vietnamese Manufacturing Firms

To see the results when articles are published in prestigious international journals, for Dr. Dong, researchers always have to overcome language barriers, theoretical background, updated research methods and research topics. They also need to show that their research interests must also be attuned to the trend of academic research of the world.

One of the most important qualities that help researchers overcome those challenges, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Dong said, is: “The first thing is still passion in academic research. This passion will help scholars have the endurance to overcome difficulties, hardships as well as sorrows in academic research to progress to enjoy the feeling and the beauty of scientific research when their works are published in prestigious international journals.

Dr. Vu Duy - Lecturer at Faculty of Political Economy

Known as a dedicated lecturer, a dynamic Youth Union Secretary who has close connection with students, Dr. Vu Duy is also one of the young scientists of UEB with many achievements in scientific research. In the first 6 months of 2021, Dr. Vu Duy is one of the young lecturers of UEB in the list of top 5 lecturers with articles published in the world's leading prestigious international journals.

Faced the question of interest and passion for research, Dr. Duy did not hesitate to share his journey which started right from the 3rd year of university, he then has chosen for himself the direction of doing scientific research which turned into his effort of trying to find graduate scholarships for graduate programs and of spending time with his lecturer to write his first scientific paper. More reasons for Dr. Duy to stick with research comes from his family tradition that shared loves to explore, discover and conquer new things. “Learning new knowledge or discovering unique research results makes me extremely excited and a little proud, I believe that if you are chosen to do a job that you love, you will not have to work a day at all. That's true, because for me scientific research is a habit, a passion rather than an obligation,” said Dr. Duy.

Dr. Vu Duy: "I feel lucky because during the process of doing research, I have met dedicated professors and companions who share mutual ideas. I am happy to have opportunities to participate in international conferences to introduce my research work, to hear comments from leading experts, and to expand my research relationships. I am also happy to experience emotions ranging from suspense from waiting, to burst of joy when my article was accepted for publication”

Articles published in international journals by Dr. Vu Duy in the first half of 2021:

• Arbitrator teams and dispute resolution performance: an empirical analysis

• To Settle or to Fight to the End? Case-level Determinants of Early Settlement of Investor-State Disputes.

Current achievements are the motivation for UEB's young lecturers and PhD students to continue on the path of knowledge discovery, to emerge in the endless and fascinating creativity of science. But at the same time, to pursue knowledge, to actively explore, and to learn new research methods, new topics to enrich future research works. “I plan to continue the research direction and interdisciplinary approach that I have been pursuing since I was a graduate student. Besides, I also want to expand into new research directions, associated with the environment and sustainable development, especially looking forward to collaborating with scientists in other fields. I hope to contribute a little of my energy and knowledge to science, and at the same time spread my knowledge and experience to others, especially my students, so that everyone can have opportunity to participate in international research and publication”- Dr. Vu Duy shared.

Ready to conquer new achievements with constant effort and creativity.

There is a very good saying that: "Glory lies in effort". Efforts along with creativity, perseverance, accumulation and discovery of new things... are important factors for researchers to go further on the science journey which is difficult and challenging but also full of joy.

The path of research cannot be reached in a day or two, it is a journey filled with worries, from a new topic, a new study, just like we "choose a path with no footprints” (Robert Frost). This path is filled with challenges such as lack of data, scarcity of references, effort of editing drafts to assure the nature of science and aesthetic. However, the more difficulties and challenges, the more pains and worries, the greater the pressure, the more "sweet fruit” will bloom, the more happiness those who "cultivate and nurture” will feel.

UEB always creates the best conditions for each lecturer to pursue their passion for research and conquer new achievements. It is not only the professional help and advice from experienced experts and scientists in the University, but also the active support of skills training courses that help lecturers improve their research and publish capacity..., to encourage scholars to go further on their chosen path. At the same time, the University is also ready to be a bridge for officials and lecturers to connect with agencies and organizations to learn and exploit the necessary information to serve their topics via organizing seminars and workshops. training courses to improve research capacity.

The university appreciates and recognizes all contributions of staff and lecturers with valuable research projects. We always accompany, encourage UEB's scientists to strive for more scientific works with quality recognized by domestic and international journals, contributing to enhance the position and academic prestige not only of the individual authors but also a shared name of UEB.

Let's look forward to the next sweet and glorious achievements of UEB's staff, lecturers and scientists!

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Anh Tuan (Tran.)

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