Research Journey and Publication in International Journal by Faculty and Students of the School of Development Economics, UEB

First time engaging in scientific research, the group of students from the class QH2020-E KTPT 3: Do Thi Ngoc Tram, Trinh Minh Thuan, and Khong Phuong Mai, under the guidance of Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen An Thinh - Head of the Department of Economic Development at the University of Economics and Business - Vietnam National University, have excellently completed their research project. They participated in the 2023 Student Research Conference and published their research outcomes in a reputable international journal listed in the Web of Science (WoS) database, achieving a Q1 ranking.

The beginning of a new journey for these "student scientists"...


"Participating in scientific research as a student doesn't necessarily mean pursuing a career in research. Scientific research helps develop skills in problem identification and solving, which are crucial for students as they enter the workforce, not just in academic and research institutions, but also in businesses and other public organizations," shared Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen An Thinh.

Diving into the endeavor with determination, student Trinh Minh Thuan shared his thoughts on the initial days of the journey: "Selecting and delving into a research topic is the biggest challenge for students in research work. Our group was no exception; we spent a considerable amount of time on this initial step. However, with the guidance of Professor Thinh, our research advisor, we were able to closely follow and gradually conquer the subject."



The research group selected the topic "Understanding the Importance of Eco-Labeling for Organic Foods at UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: A Case Study of Cocoa Powder at Dong Nai, Vietnam" for their study. To complete this research project, the students and their mentor worked together over the course of a year.

In January 2023, the research team traveled from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City and Dong Nai province. They participated in a workshop at the Dong Nai Biosphere Reserve, visited and collaborated with Trong Duc Cocoa Co., Ltd., conducted a survey involving 285 customers in Dong Nai province and Ho Chi Minh City, and subsequently filtered down the data to 203 relevant responses for analysis.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen An Thinh and three students attended a seminar at the Dong Nai Biosphere Reserve


Throughout this journey, these "young scientists" were faced with many challenges. Speaking about the field trip to Dong Nai, student Khong Phuong Mai recounted: "During the 3-day field trip, our group started each day at 5:30 AM, going to local markets and surrounding areas to survey the residents. There were people who weren't willing to answer, brushing us off, which made the data collection process difficult... But with an unyielding spirit, our team completed the task with the expected results."
Research group conducted a survey of the local residents at the research location

...There's always the guidance of our teachers and the support of the University throughout the research process!


To carry out their project, the research group received support from a state-level research topic managed by the Institute of Agriculture Planning and Design. This research project covered all expenses for flights, transportation, accommodation, and interviews for the students. According to the perspective of Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen An Thinh, as well as the student research development strategy of the University of Economics and Business - Vietnam National University, seeking funding for student scientific research projects plays a crucial role. It encourages student participation without requiring them to bear the expenses during the research process.


The student research group happily shared that they were initially concerned about the travel and living costs due to the considerable distance of the survey location. However, the University and Professor Thinh stood by their side, called for sponsorship, and provided assistance throughout the data collection process. This allowed the group to focus on their research work with joy. Notably, thanks to this research project, some members of the group experienced their first-ever flight!


"A very joyful memory during the research process is that Professor Thinh not only helped us secure funding for the research but also accompanied us through each stage of completing the project. He even cared about the simplest things. He gave each of us a box of cocoa powder mix - the product we were studying," Phuong Mai shared with a smile.


It was our first experience in research, and we can admit that we started with limited knowledge. However, over the course of a year, we gained extensive knowledge, interacted with experienced seniors, professors, and teachers who guided us through various challenges. This exposure transformed our research journey into a memorable experience, enriching us with valuable insights and hands-on skills that significantly contributed to our personal growth.


A "Promising Start" for these "Student Scientists"


The research conducted by the team from the Department of Economic Development has yielded significant outcomes. The study delved into the willingness of local residents to pay for cocoa products labeled with three different eco-labels, all while identifying the underlying factors shaping this willingness. The team also provided suggestions for cocoa businesses in Dong Nai to adopt level 2 eco-labels (eco-labels endorsed by Biosphere Reserve management) and to amplify public awareness of international certifications, possibly paving the way for the adoption of level 3 eco-labels (eco-labels with international certifications) in the future.


In evaluating the students' contributions, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen An Thinh highlighted: "Economic Development students possess two remarkable qualities: strong teamwork and the ability to plan and execute tasks effectively. Throughout the research journey, the team took the initiative to manage and oversee the entire research process, both in the classroom and the field. My role was to guide and accompany them. Today's achievements truly reflect their diligent efforts."

After presenting at the student scientific research conference of the School of Economic Development, the teacher and students completed their research results and successfully published the paper in an international journal listed in the Web of Science (WoS), which is ranked in Q1. (View it here)

"When we received the notification of the results, it was truly an unbelievable feeling! Afterwards, a sense of pride and happiness overwhelmed us, as if we had achieved an incredibly challenging goal we once dreamed of. It's truly a massive source of motivation for us to continue our passion for research in the future!" - Student Do Thi Ngoc Tram shared.


With their dedicated efforts and enthusiasm in every research task, the team from the Department of Economic Development, both students and their mentor, have achieved well-deserved results. Student research not only deepens their understanding of their field of study but also provides opportunities to learn, enhance teamwork skills, develop logical thinking, analytical abilities, and problem-solving skills. Moreover, having a research paper published in an international journal will bolster students' resumes, making a favorable impression on potential employers.

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