VCES’s expert team attended the International Symposium in China

In the framework of cooperation and research exchange between VEPR’s Chinese Economic Studies Program (VCES) with China’s Macroeconomic Management Educatio Association, VCES’s expert team attended the international symposium and survey activities from 19th to 24th October 2012 in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China.

The theme of this symposium was "Policies to promote a Sustained and Steady Economic and Social Development of East Asia." This is the annual symposium of China’s Macroeconomic Management Education Assosiation. This year, it was jointly organized by China’s Macroeconomic Management Education Assosiation and Jiangxi University of Finance.
The symposium has received nearly 70 reports about 10 issues:

  1. Macroeconomic policy choices of East Asian countries after the financial crisis and collaborative analysis
  2. Across the middle-income trap: the East Asian experiences and enlightenment
  3. Energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions and East Asian economic efficiency
  4. European debt crisis and its suggestions for East Asia countries on the process of economic intergration
  5. Studies on promoting the public investment of East Asian economies for long-term sustainable and balanced growth
  6. The sustainability of local government debt of and its impacts on macroeconomic in East Asian countries
  7. Dynamic monitoring system of the economic and social development and policy innovation
  8. Policies choices in the field of trade and economics to promote economic intergration in East Asia.
  9. Prevention mechanisms and policies to avoid the conflict over territorial seas and territory, economic-political-cultural conflicts between countries in East Asian countries
  10. Other issues related to the theme of this symposium

More than 70 macroeconomics experts from Vietnam, Japan, Korea and China, including 10 foreign scholars attended this symposium. VEPR’s expert team included Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh, Director of VEPR, and Dr. Pham Sy Thanh of VCES, Director of VCES. Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh gave a presentation (in English) titled "Vietnam’s Macroeconomic Risks During the Global Crisis and Implications for Reforms" and Dr. Pham Sy Thanh presented a report (in Chinese), titled "China's Energy Security and Energy Cooperation in East Asia." The reports have received special attention by international scholars since the issues of energy security and energy competition have been hot ones and have impacts on stability and cooperation in East Asia.
The expert team also accepted invitations to attend two international workshops held by the School of International Business, Chungbuk National University (Korea) and Fukui Prefectural University (Japan) in the spring of 2013.
After the symposium, the expert team participated in a survey program at some well-known cultural and historical places of Nanchang city and Jiangxi province such as August 1st Square; Jingdezhen City; Tengwang Pavillion – an important cultural place; Lushan Mountain. Jingdezhen city is famous for porcelain in China since ancient times. Tengwang Pavillion has been an important cultural place in Nanchang in particular and China in general. This is where many poets, like Wang Bo, left their mark. At Lushan Mountain, the expert team visited the place of Lushan Meeting on July, 23rd, 1959. They also visited Villa Meilu, the resting place of Jiang Jieshi and his wife Song Mieling and later of Mao Zedong and Jiang Qing. Finally, the expert team visited Fankou Dam - the tourism symbol of Lushan.
Besides academic exchange and survey activities, the expert team also had opportunities to interact with students of the Department of National Economics Management - Institute of Economics - Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics to learn more about the current higher education system in China.

Duong Van Nga

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