UEB Students Join 9th ASEAN-China Young Leaders Exchange Festival

A group of four students from the University of Economics - Hanoi National University of Vietnam had the honor of receiving an invitation from the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the China-ASEAN Association, and the People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries of Hubei Province to participate in the 9th ASEAN-China Youth Leaders' Exchange Festival in Hubei Province, China.

The festival, organized by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the China-ASEAN Association, and in cooperation with the People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries of Hubei Province, saw the participation of over 100 delegates, including more than 70 young representatives from 10 ASEAN countries.


Under the theme "Building a Bright Home Together," the festival's Opening Ceremony took place on July 4th in the city of Nghi Xuan, Hubei Province, with great solemnity.

The delegation of delegates participates in the 9th ASEAN-China Young Leaders Exchange and Networking Event

The highlight of this year's festival is the ASEAN-China Youth Forum. During the forum, student delegates from various countries spoke about the role and significance of the festival in creating connections and promoting exchanges among the youth of ASEAN countries and China. The aim is to collectively contribute to building a bright and beautiful future.


Representing the Vietnamese delegation, student Nghiem Thu Huyen from the class of QH 2020E, specializing in Auditing and High-quality Accounting 1 at the University of Economics, Hanoi National University, emphasized the importance of the festival in fostering connections, sharing experiences, mutual learning, and enhancing understanding and cooperation between the youth of ASEAN and China.

Student Nghiem Thu Huyen spoke at the forum

With their roles and missions, the outstanding youth participating in the forum have the responsibility to carry knowledge, experiences, and connections back to serve their countries and strive to become ambassadors of friendship, cultural exchange, and international cooperation. They contribute to enhancing ASEAN-China relations by actively engaging in dialogue, promoting cultural exchange, and collaborating in various fields.


Building upon shared interests and embracing differences, young leaders can collaboratively address common challenges, promote peace, and foster sustainable development.
UEB students took commemorative photos with the exemplary youth delegations from various countries at the festival

As part of the program, the delegates had the opportunity to experience various meaningful and interesting activities. They visited different places, including Hubei Truong Sinh Xuyen Tea Company, Nghi Do Biomedical Industrial Park, Thanh Giang Migratory Fish Valley (Nghi Do), the Three Gorges Dam – the world's largest hydropower project (in Wuhan city), Wuhan University, Hubei Provincial Museum, Wan Lam Art Museum, and an exhibition showcasing China's 30-year achievements in Ramsar wetland conservation. They also had hands-on experiences with various traditional Chinese art forms such as calligraphy, paper cutting, ethnic musical performances, lion dancing, and lotus boat rowing. The delegates explored renowned scenic spots such as Huanghe Tower, Dong Ho Green Road, and the Yangtze River.

The delegation of delegates from various countries went to experience at Hoang Hac Pavilion

The Closing Ceremony and the Gala Celebration marking the success of the festival took place in an atmosphere of warm friendship in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province.

At the Gala Celebration, the Vietnamese delegation was one of the five ASEAN country delegations, along with Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand, that presented remarkable and distinctive cultural performances, showcasing the uniqueness of each nation. This contributed to creating a vibrant and colorful Gala event.

Student Nghiem Thu Huyen from UEB (in the middle) participated in celebrating the success of the festival on the streets of Hubei

Vietnam's performance of the song and dance "Cây đa quán dốc" combined the traditional melodies of Quan họ folk songs from Bắc Ninh with modern dance elements, leaving a profound impression on the dignitaries and delegates attending the festival.

The four UEB students (from left to right): Student Nguyen Phuong Dung, a student of the 2020E class - International Economics; Student Nghiem Thu Huyen, a student of the 2020E class, Accounting and Auditing; Student Dao Thu Uyen, a student of the 2020E class, Accounting and Auditing; Student Vu Phuong Linh, a student of the 2020E class, International Economics, performed at the gala night of the festival

Sharing after the trip, student Thu Uyen stated: "Although some time has passed, the experiences from participating in the 9th ASEAN-China Youth Leaders' Exchange Festival still leave me with exciting and nostalgic feelings. Beyond the cultural beauty, I had the chance to enjoy delicious specialties like fragrant lotus seeds, unique cassava beverages, and many other distinctive dishes. Joining the festival also provided me with invaluable lessons, the opportunity to make friends and connections with people from different countries, and a deeper understanding of the cultures within the ASEAN and China bloc. I want to express my gratitude to our university, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations, as well as the Chinese side for providing us with the chance to participate in such a meaningful exchange, contributing a small part to strengthening the bilateral relationships between ASEAN and China overall, and Vietnam with other nations specifically. This journey truly represents an unforgettable experience for me during my student life. It instills inspiration and encouragement for my future endeavors. I will always hold onto the lessons, memories, and spirit of collaboration that we experienced."

The UEB students took commemorative photos with the delegations at the closing ceremony of the festival

The ASEAN-China Youth Exchange Festival began in 2013 under the name "ASEAN-China Teenager Exchange Festival," later renamed as it is known today. The festival has been organized for 9 sessions, with approximately a thousand young delegates from China and ASEAN countries participating. The program has greatly promoted friendly exchanges and understanding among the youth, laying the foundation for mutual trust between the youth of ASEAN countries and China.

Some images of the UEB student delegation at the ASEAN-China Youth Festival:
The delegation at HanKou railway station
The delegation at Yi du 

UEB students visiting Wu Han University 
The Closing Ceremony 

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