Workshop "Career Orientation and Launching the Investment Competition for the Faculty of Finance and Banking"

On September 30, 2023, the Faculty of Finance and Banking at the University of Economics, VNU (UEB) collaborated with Rong Viet Securities Joint Stock Company to organize the "Career Orientation and Launching the Investment Competition for the Faculty of Finance and Banking" workshop at the University of Economics, VNU.

The workshop was attended by representatives from the University of Economics and Business, VNU, including Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Nhung, Head of the Finance and Investment Department, MSc. Pham The Thanh, Deputy Head of the Finance and Investment Department, along with faculty members and over 150 students from the Faculty of Finance and Banking. From Rong Viet Securities Joint Stock Company, Mr. Tran Thang Long, CEO and Branch Director of the Hanoi branch, along with the company's leadership and staff, participated.


To start the workshop, Assoc. Prof. Dr. To Lan Phuong, a lecturer from the Faculty of Finance and Banking, shared insights about career orientations and the job market in the field of Finance and Banking after graduation. She also introduced postgraduate training programs offered by the Faculty of Finance and Banking, including the Master's programs in Finance and Banking and Financial Technology (Fintech). These programs are designed to provide practical value and address urgent issues in high-quality human resource training in Finance and Banking during the strong digital transformation era. The curriculum is internationally standardized, based on the experience and advice of experts in various fields, aiming to supplement in-depth knowledge and enhance expertise in finance, banking, insurance, and more in the digital economy era, meeting global market demands.


Speaking at the workshop, Mr. Tran Thang Long sincerely thanked the university for the collaboration and support to create a meaningful exchange of knowledge. He emphasized that "the interest and support from the university and students are great motivation for Rong Viet to be more determined on the journey of accompanying and passing on the knowledge of financial investment to the younger generation."


During the workshop, speakers from Rong Viet Securities shared interesting insights into the practical aspects of the financial field when working in enterprises. In particular, the sharing of Ms. Le Dieu Linh, Head of Research and Development at Rong Viet Securities Joint Stock Company, about personal financial management and investment strategies attracted the attention of participating students. Ms. Le Dieu Linh also emphasized that "to achieve financial freedom and independence, we need to know how to accumulate wealth." This is an essential soft skill that the younger generation should be trained in early on, helping to build a strong financial foundation, manage and limit debts. In addition, effective personal financial management helps students stabilize their finances, increase assets, and have reserves to ensure a secure life and improve their standard of living.


Furthermore, Mr. Tran Ngoc Huan, Head of Research and Development at Rong Viet Securities Joint Stock Company, who is also a former student of the University of Economics, VNU, shared insights and guidance about the "Rong Viet Invest" competition and practical experiences along with valuable advice for students participating in financial investments. This competition is a knowledge and practical stock investment competition for students nationwide, providing a realistic view of the stock market, experiences, and investment lessons from industry experts.


In addition to sharing knowledge and practical experiences, students from the Faculty of Finance and Banking were very active and enthusiastic in asking questions, exchanging ideas, and interacting with the speakers. UEB students demonstrated a proactive learning attitude and the ability to absorb knowledge while expressing their opinions and assessments of the financial field. The workshop not only provided a practical learning environment for UEBers but also helped them develop soft skills, enhance critical thinking, and improve their ability to absorb and process information.


In conclusion, the workshop demonstrated the spirit of accompanying and supporting students on their educational journey and career orientation in the future at the University of Economics and Business, VNU, with the support of leading enterprises in the finance field. The workshop opened up opportunities for learning, exchange, and knowledge sharing among students, faculty members, and experts with years of practical experience, providing a strong foundation for students to become talented global citizens in the future.

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