Commencement convocation of MBA Benedictine - Intake 5

Leaders of the two universities awarded master degrees to graduates
On 3rd October 2015, the commencement convocation for 69 new masters of joint-training program in Business Administration between the VNU University of Economics and Business (UEB) and Benedictine University (USA) was solemnly held at 19 Le Thanh Tong Str., Hanoi.

Attending the ceremony, there were Dr. Maria de la Camera - Vice Rector of Benedictine University, Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu - Vice Rector of the UEB together with representatives of both universities, the new masters along with friends and family.

At the ceremony, on behalf of the leaders of the UEB, Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu congratulated the new masters for their achievement after years of constant effort. She hoped, the master degree in business administration will give the graduates new insight into their role and responsibilities, support them during their advance in professional lives and thus, affirm the importance of education in the process of establishing businesses and administration in Vietnam.

Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu - Vice Rector of the VNU-UEB

Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu also expressed her joy at seeing the development of partnership between the UEB and Benedictine University - one of the most prestigious universities not only in the US but also among the leading universities over the world. After 7 years of signing joint training agreement, the UEB and Benedictine University have successfully undertaken five master courses, beneficial for the faculties and students.

Vice Rector of Benedictine University - Dr. Maria de la Camera

Talking to the graduates, Dr. Maria de la Camera said: "Unlike many other graduates, you are very special because your degree symbolizes cooperation and understanding between Vietnam and the United States. As you advance in your professional lives, we at Benedictine University will look forward to hearing about your achievements which will enhance the reputation of this program and the two universities that support it, as well as growing understanding and friendship between our two countries".
Graduates with excellent academic achievement received awards from both universities

Graduate Trinh Quang Vinh spoke at the ceremony

On behalf of the graduates, Trinh Quang Vinh (Human Resource Director of World Bank in Vietnam) said, the program helped participants expand personal network, develop good relationships, motivate, support and inspire each other. The ceremony really marked a turning point in career path and life journey of each graduate. In his speech, Trinh Quang Vinh expressed deep gratitude to the UEB and Benedictine University, family, friends and professional colleagues for continual support and encouragement for the graduates.

The ceremony ended in beautiful and touching moments of the graduates with friends and families. The new masters will continue to conquer new challenges armed with invaluable knowledge brought by the course.

>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

Thanh Tu

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