5 best teams showed their best performance in the finale of UEB Genesis Start-up 2016

TS. Le Trung Thanh (rightmost) - Director of Organizing Committee awarded the first prize for the team The League of Legends
On 12nd August 2016, at University of Economics and Business (UEB) - Vietnam National University, Hanoi, the finale of UEB Genesis Startup 2016 took place in the lively and impressive atmosphere, closing 5 exciting month of operation.

The finale is the competition of 5 teams with 5 most outstanding start-up ideas among 20 business plans submitted to the contest from students across VNU-UEB. As the first season, UEB Genesis Start-up 2016 has received the enthusiastic interest and support from young people who love business.

On behalf of University of Economics and Business, Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Hong Son - Rector delivered the opening speech and sent the warm greetings to the jury, sponsors, distinguished guests, especially the 5 teams attended the finale. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son highly valued the organization of the entrepreneurship contest UEB Genesis Startup, he believed that the competition perfectly matches with the strategy and development orientation of the university in the trend of international integration, while contributing to enhance capacity and practical knowledge for students  of VNU-UEB.

After  the welcome remarks, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son awarded certificates to the sponsors of the contest. The support and assistance under various forms of donors such as Lienviet Post Bank, NCB National Commercial Bank, General Motors Co. and Hapro Group are enormous contributions to the success of the contest.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - Rector of VNU-UEB awards Certificates to the two sponsors: Lienvietpostbank and National Commercial Bank

Accompanying with the teams not only in the finale, but also throughout the journey of UEB Genesis Startup are the jury - the professionals, trainers, lecturers for the contesting teams and also the most important persons to select best business ideas; they have been the mentors, leading all the teams from the very beginning and guiding them throughout the process of planning and completing their business projects. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, Dr. Le Trung Thanh, Head of Office of Research and Partnership Development, Director of the Organizing Committee awarded certificates to the Jury with sincere thanks and gratitude for the contribution and support of all members in the jury.

Despite the first season that UEB organized the Start-up contest, students of the university demonstrated their intelligence and creativity with innovative business ideas such as: advising on nutrition and exercise for women after birth, connecting between tutors and students, organizing events, searching for prestigious educational institution... Predicting the result is therefore not easy for those who attended the final competition.

The jury expressed their praise and compliments for the 5 business projects in this final round, Mr. Phan Viet Hoan - CEO of the Software mywork.com job said that he was very surprised when the students of 2nd and 3rd year showed very creative and interesting startup ideas. He believed that these business plans are feasible and potentially dominate the market.

The teams presented their business proposals in finale

Ms. Le Thi Mai Huong - Director of the Training Center Intercharm Training Hub, the advisor and training expert in entrepreneurship also shared the joy when participating in the UEB Genesis Startup journey and witnessed the growth of each team through each round. According to Ms. Huong, the teams  improved a lot since her first lecture on business plan establishment. The competition will surely inspire the desire for business to all students and encourage them to make their dreams come true.
Sharing the joy in the finale, Ms. Nguyen Thu Hoa - Deputy General Director of Lienvietpostbank congratulated the teams and commended their efforts as well as their startup ideas. She expressed regret for not being able to attend the competition from the beginning and was surprised to know that some of the teams were just freshmen. Prior to the excellent performance of all 5 teams, Ms. Hoa was glad to share about the awards that the diamond sponsor - Lienvietpostbank would present to the teams as well as the special support of the Bank for the winner.

The members of the Jury comment and put questions for each team

After 2 exciting rounds (including presentation on business ideas and problem solving), the awards were given to the five teams. The final results demonstrate the effort of all teams during the first season of UEB Genesis UEB Start-up 2016. The project team The League of Legendswith the business project on the software connecting tutors and learners won the first prize. In particular, Mr. Pham Minh Hoai - the team leader of The League of Legends will attend the final competition among nations (Genesis Start-up) at the University of Sydney, Australia.

So, the journey of UEB Genesis Start-up 2016 was officially closed with plenty of emotions. This is the foundation and motivation for VNU University of Economics and Business to continue to organize UEB Genesis Contest Start-up in the next years.

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5 teams in the finale:

1. Team 1996,5s: Project “Fit like a mum”
2. Team Three Girls: Project “Event Planner Application”
3. Team Two Girls: Project “Click and recycle”
4. Team The League of Legends: Project “Tutor Link”
5. Team Redu: Project “Reviews of Education”.

Members of the League of Legends -  the champion team:

1. Mr. Phạm Minh Hoài - Team leader
2. Ms. Trần Thị Ngọc
3. Ms. Phạm Thị Ngọc
4. Ms. Trần Hồng Ngọc

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