Information day for Business Administration Bachelor Training Programme in cooperation with Troy University

Representatives of International Cooperation Management Board, UEB - VNU introduced syllabus on the information day.
On 17th August 2008, University of Economics and Business - Vietnam National University, Hanoi (UEB - VNU) held an Information Day event introducing Business Administration Bachelor Training Programme in cooperation with Troy University (US) which attracted more than a hundred students and parents

In charge of the event were MA. Tran Thuan on behalf of Troy University in Vietnam and representatives of manager as well as staff of International Cooperation Management Board, UEB - VNU.

In the event, representatives of International Cooperation Management Board, UEB introduced Troy University, University of Economics and Business - Vietnam National University, Hanoi, the Business Administration Bachelor Training Programme as well as possible benefits gained when enrolling the course.

Questions by parents and students were all answered fully and satisfactorily, which focused mainly on methods of managing the programme, specific benefits offered to students, study conditions, and conditions of enrolment and graduation.

There have been students of two courses of Business Administration Bachelor Training Programme between UEB and Troy graduating to date. This is the 7th enrolment of the programme between two universities.

Taking part in the programme, learners will have an access to the developed modern education by Troy University, one of the best in Southern America. The syllabus consists of three main parts. Students having graduated get bachelor degree confered by Troy University which values the same as in Troy or any other branches of Troy around the world. Students studying in Vietnam, the US or other nations share the same syllabus.

Luu Mai Anh

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