MPPM intake 1 graduates defend their theses

From 17th to 19th May 2011, Center for International Training and Education - University if Economics and Business (VNU) successfully organized the defending ceremony of Master of Public Policy Management joint training program with Uppsala University for intake 1 graduates.

During three days of thesis defending, professors from Uppsala University and UEB have participated and directly assessed the theses. This is the first course of the MPPM joint training program  between University of Economics and Business - VNU and Uppsala University (Sweden) - a Northern Europe renowned university - top 60 world’s universities.

Intake 1 has 37 graduates, among whom mostly have many years of practical experience, holding important positions in the state’s administrative mechanism. MPPM intake 1 graduates are divided into 15 teams to fulfill ​​15 research projects of different aspects of the public sector. As assessed by the Uppsala University professors, most theses have high scientific content, adhering to Vietnam’s actual situation. In particular, many theses can be applied to improve the quality of governance in the international economic integration process in Vietnam.

Prof. Lars Torsten Eriksson (Uppsala University) contributes his idea for the completion of theses.

Thuy Dung

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