Prof. Bartosz Kurek

1. Personal details

Name: Bartosz Kurek

Address: Cracow University of Economics

Faculty of Management

Department of Accountancy

Office #215, Ustronie building

ul. Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków, Poland

Telephone: (+48) 603-362-715

E-mail: [work] [private]

Nationality: Polish

Languages: Polish (native), English (full professional proficiency)

2. Education

2007 Economic sciences (discipline:Economics, specialization: Accounting)

Cracow University of Economics, Poland

2005 Pedagogical Excellence Programmefor research assistants

Cracow University of Economics, Poland

2004 M.B.A.(specialization: International Business)

Kristianstad University, Sweden

2003 M.Sc. (specialization: Accounting)

Cracow University of Economics, Poland

3a. Professional experience at Cracow University of Economics

01.02.2008 – present Position: Assistant professor

Department of Accountancy

Cracow University of Economics


- research

- teaching accounting courses at all educational levels (PhD,MBA, postgraduate,master, bachelor) in Polish and English

- designing accounting courses syllabi in accordance with ACCA accreditation requirements

- supervising MBA, postgraduate, master and bachelor dissertations

- supervising (auxiliary) doctoral dissertations

- service at department, faculty and university level

01.03.2004 - 31.01.2008 Position: Research and teaching assistant

Department of Accountancy

Cracow University of Economics

Responsibilities: research, teaching and service

3b. Professional experience at international level

02.11.2015–28.02.2016 Position: Short-term scholar

V.K. Zimmerman Center for International Education and Research in Accountancy

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (IL, USA)

Responsibilities: research

04.01.2008 - 03.05.2008 Position: Visiting professor

Accounting and Taxation Department

Grand Valley State University (MI, USA)

Responsibilities: research and teaching

28.08.2006-02.11.2006 Position: Short-term scholar

Accounting and Taxation Department

Grand Valley State University (MI, USA)

Responsibilities: research

01.01.2005-31.12.2016 Position: Exchange teacher

(one-week stays) Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany – 2015, 2016)

University of Ljubljana (Slovenia – 2014)

Bifrost University (Iceland – 2010)

University of Montenegro (Montenegro –2009)

Corvinus University (Hungary–2006)

Paisley University (UK–2005)

3c. Professional experience at associations and companies

01.03.2013 – present Position: Tutor (freelancer)

Accountants Association in Poland – Institute of Professional Certification for Accountants

Responsibilities: teaching accounting courses (1st level certificate, 2ndlevel certificate)

01.02.2010 – present Position: Tutor (freelancer)

BPP Professional Education

Responsibilities: teaching managerial accounting courses (ACCA: F2, F5; CIMA: C1, P1, P2; CIA III)

28.01.2002-19.04.2002 Position: Audit junior

Audit Department

Alliotts Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors (UK)

Responsibilities: internship

4a. Publications summary

    • 11 publications in English (including 7 papers in peer reviewed journals, 4 chapters in monographs)
    • 32 publications in Polish (including 23 papers in peer reviewed journals, 2 monographs, 5 chapters in monographs and 2 didactic co-authored publications)

4b. Most important recent publications

    • Kurek Bartosz [2017], Zawartość informacyjna transakcji pakietowych akcjami na przykładzie rynku głównego Giełdy Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie [The Information Content of Equity Block Trades on the Example of the Main Market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange], Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, Seria Specjalna: Monografie, Nr 250, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, Kraków
    • Kurek Bartosz [2016], The Information Content of Equity Block Trades on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Conventional and Bootstrap Approaches, “Journal of Forecasting”, Vol. 35, Issue 1, pp. 43-53
    • Kurek Bartosz [2014], The Information Content of Equity Block Trades on the Warsaw Stock Exchange: An Estimation of Shares’ Returns with the Usage of Simple Linear Regression and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines, “Journal of Forecasting”, Vol. 33, Issue 6, pp. 433-454
    • Kurek Bartosz [2014], The Impact of Equity Block Trade Transactions on Security Prices. Evidence from Poland, “Research Papers of Wroclaw University of Economics”, No. 325, pp. 71-95
    • DobijaMieczysław, Kurek Bartosz [2013], Scientific provenance of accounting, “International Journal of Accounting and Economic Studies”, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 16-24.
    • Dobija M., Kurek Bartosz [2013], Towards Scientific Economics, “Modern Economy”, Vol. 4, No. 4, April 2013, pp. 293-304
    • Kurek Bartosz, Golec Anna [2013], An Empirical Analysis of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Influence on Long-Term Capital Growth Rates. The S&P’s Indices Case (Chapter 16) [in:] Knowledge-Economy-Society. Global and Regional Challenges of the 21st Century economy, Paweł Lula, BoguszMikuła, Andrzej Jaki (Eds.), Foundation of the Cracow University of Economics, Cracow, ss. 213-220

5a. Conference presentations (at international level)

    • 24th International Forecasting Financial Markets Conference 2017, Liverpool, UK
    • 23rd International Forecasting Financial Markets Conference 2016, Hannover, Germany
    • 22nd International Forecasting Financial Markets Conference 2015, Rennes, France
    • 21st International Forecasting Financial Markets Conference 2014, Marseille, France
    • 20th International Forecasting Financial Markets Conference 2013, Hannover, Germany
    • European Accounting Association 33rd Annual Congress 2010, Istanbul, Turkey
    • European Accounting Association 32nd Annual Congress 2009, Tampere, Finland
    • European Accounting Association 29th Annual Congress 2006, Dublin, Ireland
    • European Accounting Association 28th Annual Congress 2005, Göteborg, Sweden
    • 5th International Scientific Conference: Knowledge-Economic-Society, 2013, Cracow, Poland
    • 2nd International Scientific Conference: Knowledge-Economic-Society, 2010, Cracow, Poland
    • GAT IV General Accounting TheoryConference, 2008, Cracow, Poland
    • GAT III General Accounting TheoryConference, 2005, Krakow-Zakopane, Poland
    • GAT II General Accounting TheoryConference, 2004, Warsaw, Poland
    • International Economic Association 14th World Congress 2005, Marrakech, Morocco

5b. Conference service

    • Member of the Scientific Committee (24th International Forecasting Financial Markets Conference 2017 and 23rd International Forecasting Financial Markets Conference 2016)
    • Member of the Organizing Committee (GAT IV General Accounting Theory Conference 2008 and GAT III General Accounting Theory Conference 2005),
    • Chairing conference session (24th International Forecasting Financial Markets Conference 2017, 23rd International Forecasting Financial Markets Conference 2016, European Accounting Association 33rd Annual Congress 2010, GAT IV General Accounting Theory Conference 2008, Illinois International Accounting Symposium 2008)

6. Reviewer service(ad hoc)

    • “Journal of Forecasting”
    • “Emerging Markets Finance and Trade”
    • “Quantitative Finance”
    • “Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence”
    • “Theoretical Journal of Accounting” [“ZeszytyTeoretyczneRachunkowości”]
    • “Management and Business Administration Central Europe”

7. Grants received

    • National Science Center grant OPUS 12 (The information content of monetary penalties imposed by Polish Financial Supervision Authority on companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, 2017-2019)
    • Kosciuszko Foundation grant for the research stay in the V.K. Zimmerman Center for International Education and Research in Accountancy at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (The information content of equity block trade transactions on the Warsaw Stock Exchange,2015-2016)
    • Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant for research conducted by young scientists (An event study analysis on a stock market - part IV– 2015-2016)
    • Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant for research conducted by young scientists (An event study analysis on a stock market - part III – 2014-2015)
    • Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant for research conducted by young scientists (An event study analysis on a stock market - part II – 2013-2014)
    • Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant for research conducted by young scientists (An event study analysis on a stock market – 2012-2013)
    • Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant for research conducted by young scientists (Capital growth rates in S&P’s indices as an indicator for economic crisis – 2011-2012)

8. Teaching ranking at Cracow University of Economics (most current data)

    • Ranked as top 1% (among all assistant professors and senior lecturers from all faculties: no. 2 at the Faculty of Management and no. 4 at Cracow University of Economics)

9. Interests

    • Sports: swimming, cycling,windsurfing, skiing, nordic walking

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