Prof. David J. Pannell

Personal information 

Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UWA School of Agriculture and Environment, University of Western Australia, Crawley WA 6009, Australia.

Director, Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy, UWA.

UWA Public Policy Institute Fellow.

Postal address: University of Western Australia, Perth WA 6009, Australia


Web page:


Twitter: @dpannell66

Telephone: (08) 6488 4735


B.Sc.(Agric) (H1), University of Western Australia, 1984.

B.Ec., University of Western Australia, 1989.

Ph.D, University of Western Australia, 1991.

Awards and Recognition

2019 INFFER project assessed as High for Impact and High for Approach to Impact in the ARC’s 2018 Engagement and Impact Assessment.

2019 Best poster, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society annual conference, with Maksym Polyakov, Sayed Iftekhar, Asha Gunawardena and James Fogarty

2018 Best poster, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society annual conference, with Maksym Polyakov and Fiona Gibson

2015 Vice Chancellor’s Award in Research Mentorship, University of Western Australia.

2015 Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Quality of Research Communication award for paper on marine protected areas (with co-authors).

2014 Vice-Chancellor’s Senior Research Award, University of Western Australia

2014 Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Quality of Research Communication award for paper on non-market valuation use in policy (with co-authors).

2013 INFFER project selected as one 24 “best” for impact (out of 165 submissions) in ‘Excellence in Innovation for Australia’ trial, by the Group of Eight (Go8) and Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN) universities.

2012 Elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia

2012 Included in journal article identifying the 100 most ‘influential authors in the field of environmental and ecological economics (2000-2009)’[1]

2012 Best paper of the year authored by researchers of the Department of Primary Industries, Victoria.

2012 Pest Management Council of the Philippines, best paper award (weed science category), at Annual Scientific Conference

2012 Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Quality of Research Communication award for blog

2011 Distinguished Fellow of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society

2009 ARC Eureka Prize for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Research

2009 Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Quality of Research Discovery award

2009 Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Quality of Research Communication award

2008 UWA award: Higher Degree by Research Achievement to student Graeme Doole, for Doole and Pannell (2008) Journal of Agricultural Economics 59(1): 188-206.

2008 Finalist, Eureka Prize for Environmental Research

2007 Australian Research Council Federation Fellowship

2007 Invited by the Gates Foundation to RoundTable and a meeting of HarvestChoice to advise on analysis for agricultural research priorities for the poor

2007 Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Best article in Connections: Farm, Food and Resource Issues.

2007 Award of “Distinction” granted by UWA to PhD student Graeme Doole under my supervision.

2007 Outstanding journal reviewer for 2006, Agricultural Systems

2007 Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Prize for best PhD thesis in Australia or New Zealand awarded to my student, Graeme Doole.

2006 Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, AARES Fellowship to attend IAAE 2006 conference.

2005 Named as one of 500 "Western Australian Leaders" by the Sunday Times newspaper.

2004 National Dryland Salinity Program, W.E. Wood Award for Excellence in Salinity Research and Development.

2004 Finalist, Eureka Prize for Research to Improve the Environmental Sustainability of Graingrowing (GRDC).

2004 Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Prize for best PhD thesis in Australia or New Zealand awarded to my student, Rick Llewellyn.

2003 Landcare Research Award (Western Australia), awarded by the National Landcare Program.

2003 American Agricultural Economics Association, Outstanding Journal Article in the Review of Agricultural Economics for 2002, for “Farm-Level Modeling for Bigger Issues,” with Alfons Weersink and Scott Jeffrey.

2001 Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, outstanding journal article award for 2000, for “The economics of crop hail insurance,” with Jim Vercammen.

1998. Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Prize for best masters thesis in Australia or New Zealand awarded to my student, Sally Marsh.

1997. Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Best Article in the Review of Marketing and Agricultural Economics during 1996: “Debugging mathematical programming models: Principles and practical strategies.”

1996. University of Western Australia "Excellence in Postgraduate Supervision" (Commendation).

1994. University of Western Australia "Excellence in Teaching" award. One of eight awards made by the University for undergraduate teaching.

1992. Australian Agricultural Economics Society PhD Thesis Prize, for best PhD thesis in agricultural and resource economics in Australia and New Zealand, 1990-1991.

1990. PhD Thesis passed with "special congratulations" (awarded to about 5 percent of successful PhDs at UWA) and with no amendments.

1990. Agricultural Economics Society (UK) Prize Essay Competition. "Responses to risk in weed control decisions under expected profit maximisation".


Affiliations with research centres

CRC for Water-Sensitive Cities (2012-20)

ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (2011-2018)

National Environmental Science Program – Threatened Species Recovery Hub (2015-2020)

National Environmental Science Program – Northern Australia Environmental Resources Hub (2015-2020)

Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC (2013-2020)

Bushfire CRC (2012-13)

National Environmental Research Program – Environmental Decisions Hub (2011-14)

National Environmental Research Program – Marine Biodiversity Hub (2011-14)

National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (2010-14)

Future Farm Industries CRC (2007-14)

CRC for Plant-Based Management of Dryland Salinity (2001-07)

CRC for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture (1992-97)

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