Ly Dinh

1. Personal information:

Full name

Ly Dinh



(425) 389-0307


501 E. Daniel St., Champaign, IL 61820

 2. Education:

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

  • Ph.D. in Information Sciences
  • M.A in Communication


3. Employment/Experience:

University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign

  • Instructor of IS527: Network Analysis, Spring 2021
  • Sole instructor for 15-week course that covers fundamentals of network analysis, from theories, methods, to applications of networks in social, organizational, and crisis management research
  • Co-Instructor of LIS 559NA: Network Analysis, Spring 2020
  • Teach sessions on statistical approaches for network analysis, using R (for QAP, ERGM, Multiple Membership models)
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant in Information Science, 2016-Present Information Science & Engineering Summer School, Summer 2017
  • Grading, create quizzes & R-programming workshop for students LIS590NA: Network Analysis, Spring 2017
  • Grading and assisting students with class materials and assignments LIS543: Sociotechnical Information Systems, Fall 2017
  • Grading and assisting students with class materials and assignments INFO 202: Social Aspects of Information Technology, Fall 2016
  • Led two sections of 20 students each


4. Publications: 


Journal Articles

  • J6: Dinh, L.*, Rezapour, R.*, Jiang, L., & Diesner, J. (2021). Assessing balance in signed digraphs using balance and transitivity (*Equal contribution). Scientific Reports (under review)
  • J5: Aref, S.*, Dinh, L.*, Rezapour, R.*, & Diesner, J (*Equal Contribution). Multilevel structural evaluation of signed directed social networks based on balance theory. Scientific Reports 10, 15228 (2020).
  • J4: Barley, W. C., Dinh, L., Workman, H., & Fang, C. (2020). Exploring the Relationship Between Interdisciplinary Ties and Linguistic Familiarity Using Multilevel Network Analysis. Communication Research, 0093650220926001.
  • J3: Dinh, L., Sarol, J., Park, J., Wang, K., & Diesner, J. (2020). Are we projecting gender biases to ungendered things? Differences in referring to female versus male named hurricanes in 33 years of news coverage. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (in preparation)
  • J2: Rezapour, R., Dinh, L., Addawood, A., Jiang, M., & Diesner, J. (2020). Incorporating the Measurement of Moral Foundations Theory in Analyzing Stances on Controversial Topics. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (in preparation)
  • J1: Pilny, A., Proulx, J. D., Dinh, L., & Bryan, A. L. (2017). An adapted structurational framework for the emergence of communication networks. Communication Studies, 68(1), 72-94. doi: 10.1080/10510974.2016.1262886




  • C18: Dinh, L.*, Sarol, J.*, & Diesner, J. (2021) . How does situational awareness of emergencies depend on choices about data sources, analysis methods, and implementation of algorithms? Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM 2021. Atlanta, GA. (*Equal contribution).
  • C17: Dinh, L., & Parulian, N. (2020). COVID-19 Pandemic and Information Diffusion Analysis on Twitter. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 57(1), e252.
  • C16: Sarol, M.J., Dinh, L., Rezapour, R., Chin, C., Yang, P., & Diesner, J. (2020) . An empirical methodology for detecting and prioritizing needs during crisis events. Findings of Empirical Methods in Natural Language, EMNLP 2020.
  • C15: Jiang L., Dinh L., Rezapour R., & Diesner J. (2020). Which group do you belong to? Sentiment-based PageRank to measure formal and informal influence of nodes in networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, Complex Networks, 2020.
  • C14: Dinh, L., Sarol, J., Cheng, Y. Y., Hsiao, T. K., Parulian, N., & Schneider, J. (2019). Systematic examination of pre- and post-retraction citations. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 56(1), 390-394.
  • C13: Cheng, Y. Y., Parulian, N., Hsiao, T. K., Dinh, L., Sarol, J., & Schneider, J. (2019). ReTracker: actively and automatically matching retraction metadata in Zotero. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 56(1), 372-376.
  • C12: Dinh, L., Cheng, Y. Y., & Parulian, N. (2019). ReTracker: an open-source plugin for automated and standardized tracking of retracted scholarly publications. In 2019 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) (pp. 406-407). IEEE.
  • C11: Dinh, L., & Diesner, J. (2018). Realizing the full potential of (infra-)structures for inter-agency communication before, during, and after disasters using the example of APAN (All Partners Access Network). In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Social Sensing at ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation 2018 (IoTDI 2018), Orlando, FL.
  • C10: Dinh, L., & Barley, W.C., (2018). A Multiple Membership Multiple Classification (MMMC) model approach for Egocentric Network Data. Paper presented at 2018 Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science. Evanston, Illinois.
  • C9: Dinh, L., Shavitt, S., & Jung, K. (2017). Before Landfall: Anticipatory sentiments in media coverage of Hurricanes from 1980 to 2012. Paper presented at 2017 Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Conference. Boston, Massachusetts.
  • C8: Dinh, L., & Fang, C. (2017) Exploring the dynamics of interdisciplinary collaboration usingsocial network analysis: the effects of formal and informal network structures. Paper to be presented at 2017 International Sunbelt Social Network Conference. Beijing, China.
  • C7: Barley, W.C., Dinh, L., Workman, H.M., & Fang, C. (2017). Examining the Structure of Interactional Expertise in a Scientific Organization using Multilevel Egocentric Network Analysis. Paper presented at 2017 International Communication Association Annual Conference. San Diego, California.
  • C6: Dinh, L., Luo, M., & Skurka, C. (June 2016). An evaluation of Spitzberg’s meme diffusion: Bridging communication and computer science disciplines. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference, Fukuoka, Japan.
  • C5: Barley, W.C., Childs, K., Workman, H.M., & Dinh, L. (June, 2016). Frame Mismatch: How framing communication as transmission hinders interdisciplinary collaboration. Paper presented at 2016 International Communication Association Annual Conference. Fukuoka, Japan.
  • C4: Dinh, L. (2016, April) . Exploring the meaning of interdisciplinary collaboration in a scientific organization: An application of text and network analysis. Paper presented at 2016 International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Newport Beach, California.
  • C3: Pilny, A., Poole, M.S., Proulx, J., Dinh, L., & Luo, M. (2016). Who needs an alter anyways? Using the ego-centrlc relational event model to analyze teams in open communication networks. Paper to be presented at 2016 International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Newport Beach, CA.
  • C2: Pilny, A., Dinh, L., Bryan, A., & Proulx, J. (2015). An adaptive structurational framework for network emergence. Paper presented at 2015 International Communication Association Annual Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. (Currently under review for Communication Studies) a. Winner: Top Brief Entertaining Scholarly Talk (B.E.S.T) | Networks panel
  • C1: Pilny, A., Dinh, L., Poole, M.S., Skurka, C. (2015). Empirically testing an Input -Process-Outcome multi team system model. Presentation at 2015 International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom.



  • P15: Dinh, L., Akuka, I., & Diesner, J. (2021). Interorganizational collaboration networks during 2018 Hurricane Michael response. US Department of Homeland Security Centers of Excellence (COE) Summit. Fairfax, Virginia. Held online.
  • P14: Yang, P., Sarol, M.J., Dinh, L., & Diesner, J. (2021) . Annotation guidelines for entity tagging and semantic role labeling of disaster-related text documents. US Department of Homeland Security Centers of Excellence (COE) Summit. Fairfax, Virginia. Held online.
  • P13: Yang P., Sarol, J., Dinh, L., & Diesner, J. (2021). Reliable relation extraction for social network construction. Presentation at the North American Regional Social Networks Conference 2021 (NASN2021). Held online.
  • P12: Aref, S., Dinh, L., Rezapour, R., & Diesner, J. (2020). Multilevel structural evaluation of signed directed social networks. Extended abstract Network Science Society Conference 2020 (NetSci2020). Held online.
  • P11: Dinh, L., Akuka, I., & Diesner, J. (2020). Interorganizational collaboration networks during 2018 Hurricane Michael response. Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute 11th Maritime Risk Symposium. Urbana, Illinois. Held online.
  • P10: Yang, P., Sarol, M.J., Dinh, L., & Diesner, J. (2020) . Annotation guidelines for entity tagging and semantic role labeling of disaster-related text documents. Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute 11th Maritime Risk Symposium. Urbana, Illinois. Held online.
  • P9: Dinh, L., Sarol, J., & Diesner, J. (2020). How does situational awareness of emergencies depend on choices about data sources, analysis methods, and implementation of algorithms? Poster presented at 6th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2).Cambridge, MA.
  • P8: Dinh, L.*, Rezapour, R.*, Jiang, L., & Diesner, J. (2020). Assessing balance in signed digraphs by combining balance and transitivity. (*Equal contribution) Poster presented at 6th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2). Cambridge, MA.
  • P7: Dinh L., Cheng, Y.-Y. & Parulian, N (2019). ReTracker: an open-source plugin for automated and standardized tracking of retracted scholarly publications. JCDL 2019. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2 June- 5 June 2019.
  • P6: Dinh, L., & Cheng, Y.-Y. (2018). Middle of the (by)line: Examining hyperauthorship networks in the Human Genome Project. In Proceedings of the 81th Annual ASIS&T Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.
  • P5: Pilny, A., Dinh, L., Fang, C., Poole, M.S., Proulx, J., Ruge-Jones, L., & Yahja, A. (June,2017). Building dynamic networks from trace data versus human coded interactions: A comparison of two collection methods. Poster presented at 2017 NetSci International School and Conference on Network Science. Indianapolis, Indiana.
  • P4: Pilny, A., Poole, M.S., Proulx, J., Dinh, L., & Lou, M. (2016, July) Linking communicative processes and attitudinal outcomes through a multiteam system group experiment. Poster presented at 2017 INGRoup conference. Helsinki, Finland.
  • P3: Dinh, L. (2015, June) . Visualizing the Evolution of Communication and Technology field using Co-Authorship and Paper Citation network Analysis. Poster presented at 2015 International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom.
  • P2: Pilny, A., Poole, M.S., Yahja, A., Skurka, & Dinh, L. (2015, May). Uncertainty in social media and team performance: An experimental design in progress. Poster presented at 2015 International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  • P1: Dinh, L. (2015, May). A Balance Theory approach to Trust in Multi-Team Systems. Poster presented at 2015 Pre-Conference in Computational Approaches to Advance Communication Research, International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.



  • W4. Dinh, L. (2021, March). Advances to network analysis theories and methods with applications in social, organizational, and crisis settings. Invited talk at VinUniversity, College of Engineering & Computer Science.
  • W3. Dinh, L. (2020, March). Gendering the Ungendered: Examination of hurricanes news coverage from 1979-2012. Invited talk for NCSA@Women event.
  • W2: Dinh, L. (2016, September). Introduction to Social Network Analysis. Guest lecture for Information 202 (INFO 202) course.
  • W1: Dinh, L. (2015, February) . No Role Models Abroad: Mis- and Under-Representation of LGBTQ Characters in Foreign (Mainstream) Cinema. Presentation for LGBT Center QUENCH Speaker series.


 5. Scientific and technical awards:

  • Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) Student Scholar, May 2020
  • Graduate Teacher Certificate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2020 Winner of Women in Data Science Conference (WiDS) Poster Competition, March 2020 Winner of iSchool Research Showcase Poster Competition, October 2019
  • Winner of ASIS&T Student Design Competition, November 2018 Research Fellow, Visible Network Labs, Denver, CO, May 2018
  • Voted best Brief Entertaining Scholarly Talk, Networks panel at ICA, 2017
  • Voted best Brief Entertaining Scholarly Talk, Networks panel at ICA, 2015
  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Elizabeth Winter Young Summer Fellowship,2014
  • People’s Choice Award, Image of Research Competition, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, 2014
  • Marcia Israel Award for Best Feasibility Study, Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneur Studies, University of Southern California, May 18, 2014
  • Inducted Phi Kappa Phi, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, 2014
  • Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellow, University of Southern California, August 2013- May 2014
  • Inducted Lambda Pi Eta, University of Southern California, 2012



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