1. Personal information:
Full name:
Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha
Year of birth:
Head, Division of Environmental Economics, Faculty of Development Economics, VNU-UEB
Foreign languages:
Office address:
Room 712, Building E4, 144 Xuan Thuy Str, Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi
2. Education:
- 1996-2000: Bachelor of Foreign Trade Economics, Hanoi University of Foreign Trade
- 2003: Master in Development Economics, Vietnam-Netherlands Project for Master’s Program in Development Economics, National Economics University, Hanoi
- Current: PhD in Development Economics, Central Institute for Economic Management, Hanoi
3. Employment/Experience:
- 2007-current: Lecturer, University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
- 2005-2007: Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
- 2003-2005: Researcher, Mekong Economics Ltd., Hanoi.
- 2001-2003: Guest lecturer, Hanoi University of Foreign Trade, Hanoi
4. Research domains:
- Development economics, environmental economics, sustainable development, climate change.
5. Publications:
5.1. Books:
- Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, Nguyen Viet Thanh, Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Nguyen Quoc Viet (2015). Impact of climate change on fisheries in the North of Vietnam. Hanoi, Vietnam National University Public House.
5.2. Articles
- Bui Dai Dung, Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Nguyen Thi Hoa Hanh (2020), “Heritage
Economics and Heritage Benefit Optimization”, International Journal of
Economics, Business and Management Research. http://ijebmr.com/link/530.
- Bui Dai Dung, Nguyen An Thinh, Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Nguyen Thi Hoa Hanh
(2019), “Valuing Heritage as a Public Good Initial Application to Zonal Travel
Cost Method in Hoi An, Vietnam”, VNU Journal of Science: Economics and
Business, Vol 35 No 3, Sep 2019, pp
- Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Nguyen The Kien, Hoang Khac Lich, Cao Thi Thanh
(2019), “Analysis of Factors Affecting Labours of Industrial Zones in Hanoi
City”, Volume 24, August 2019, Economy and Forecast Review, Hanoi.
- Cao Thi Thanh, Hoang Khac Lich, Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Nguyen The Kien, Ha
Thi Thanh Thuy (2019), “Application of Structural Equation Model (SEM) on
Social Economic Evaluation of Industrial Zones to Residents in Hanoi City”,
Economy and Forecast Review, Volume 21, July 2019 (703), Hanoi.
- Cao Thi Thanh, Tran Thi Lan Hương, Hoang Khac Lich, Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha,
Nguyen The Kien (2019), “Impacts of Industrial Zones on Social, Economic and
Environmental Development”, Asia-Pacific Economic Review, June 2019, Hanoi.
- Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Luong Thi Yen (2018), “Illness Costs Saved Thanks to
Changes of Ceramic Production Fuel in Bat Trang Village”, VNU Journal of
Science: Economics and Business, Volume 34, No. 4, pp 1-8.
- Nguyen Viet Thanh, Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Nguyen Thi Thien, Luong Thi Yen
(2018), “Estimating Indirect Value of Xuan Thuy Mangroves in Nam Dinh
Province”, Natural Resources and Environment Magazine, No. 22, pp. 19-26,
- Nguyen Viet Thanh, Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Nguyen Thi Lien, Nguyen Thi Thien
(2018), “Estimating Biodiversity Value of Xuan Thuy National Park in Climate
Change”, Journal of Economic Studies, Volume 6 (4) 2018, Danang Economics
- Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha (2017), “Vulnerability Assessment of Landslides to
Agricultural Production in Ha Giang Province”, VNU Journal of Science:
Economics and Business, Volume 33, No. 1 (2017) 55-63.
- Nguyen Viet Thanh, Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Dam Thi Tuyet, Tran Quoc Toan,
Nguyen Ngoc Thanh (2017), “Vulnerability Assessment of Climate Change to
Fishery Capture and Aquaculture”, VNU Journal of Science: Economics and
Business, Volume 33, No. 1 (2017) 64-73.
- Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha (2016), “Concepts and Frameworks for Vulnerability
Assessment of Natural Disasters Worldwide – Valuation the Ability for
Application in Vietnam”. VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, Volume
32, No. 4, 2016, pp. 37-48
- Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha (2014). “Risk assessment to human lives and assets due
to landslides in Bac Kan Town”. VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business,
Volume 30, No. 1 (2014) 20-30.
- Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, Nguyen Viet Thanh, Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Nguyen Quoc
Viet (2014). “Analysis and review of research literatures in estimating
economic values of natural resources from the marine ecosystems in the world”.
Economic Management Review, No. 6, 2014, Central Institute of Economics
- Nguyen Viet Thanh, Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Nguyen Ngoc Thanh (2014).
“Estimating economic values of natural resources from the marine ecosystems in
Vietnam”, Natural Resources and Environment Magazine, No. 16 (198), part 2,
August 2014.
- W. Smith, I. Williamson, A. Burns, Tran Kim Chung, Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha,
Hoang Xuan Quyen (2007). “The impact of land market processes on the poor in
rural Vietnam”. Survey Review, 39, 303 pp. 3-20 (January 2007).
5.3. Workshop proceedings
- The 1st International Conference on Economics, Development and
Sustainability (EDESUS 2019) “Global Changes and Sustainable Development in
Asian Emerging Market Economies”, organized by University of Economics and
Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
- Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha (2019), Evaluating Impact of Climate Change to Fishing
Productivity of Vietnam: An Application of Autoregressive Distributed Lag
(ARDL) Regression Model.
- Bui Dai Dung, Nguyen An Thinh, Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Nguyen Thi Hoa Hanh
(2019), Valuing Heritage as A Public Good: An Application of Zonal Travel Cost
Method (ZTCM) in Hoi An, Vietnam.
- Nguyen Truc Le, Nguyen An Thinh, Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Nguyen Dinh Tien,
Nguyen Duc Lam, Nguyen Van Hong, Nguyen Tat Tuan, Luc Hens, (2019), Assessing
Water Resource Use Efficiency based on the Extended Two-Stage Data Envelopment
Analysis (Dong Nai River Basin, Vietnam).
- International Conference for Young Researchers in Economics and Business
(ICYREB 2017), organized by University of Economics, the University of Danang,
Danang City, Vietnam.
- Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha (2017), “Valuing Economic Impact of Climate Change on
Catch Fisheries in Vietnam”. Conference proceeding. ISBN 978-704-84-2640-8, pp.
- National Conference “Sustainable Development of Marine Economy: From
Policies to Reality in Vietnam”, organized by University of Economics and
Business, Vietnam National University – Hanoi on 30 Nov 2017.
- Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha (2017), “Impact of Climate Change on Capture Fisheries
in Vietnam”. Conference proceeding. ISBN 978-604-62-9882-3
- Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Nguyen Thi Thien, Luong Thi Yen (2017), “Estimating
Indirect Value of Xuan Thuy Mangroves in Nam Dinh Province”. Conference
proceeding. ISBN 978-604-62-9882-3
- International conference “Vietnam Economy in Middle-Term: Prospects and
Some Environmental Impacts” on 18 Nov 2016.
- Nguyen Viet Thanh, Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, Dam Thi Tuyet, Nguyen Ngoc Thanh
(2016). “Vulnerability Assessment of Climate Change to Fishery Capture and
Aquaculture in Northern Provinces” Conference proceeding. World Publishing
House, ISBN 978-604-772848.
- International conference “Entrepreneurship in Vietnam”, 9 November 2006,
- Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha (2006). “Gender Issues in Garment and Footwear
Factories in Vietnam”.
5.3. Research projects
- 2018-2020: “Estimating Heritage Value – Application in the case of Hoi An
Ancient Town”, Asian Research Center, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
- 2017-2019: “Evaluation of Water Resource Security for Development of
Water Resource Planning: Application on Dong Nai River Basin” (BĐKH.12/16-20),
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
- 2016-2018: “Valuing Coastal Mangrove Ecosystem in Climate Change to Serve
the Management on Biodiversity Protection: Case Study in Ba Lat Estuary, Nam
Dinh Province”, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
- 2016-2017: “Estimating Damages related to Marine Ecological Degradation
in 4 Central Provinces”, in project Survey and Evaluation of Unnormal Death of
Marine Species in Central Coastal Provinces, Suggestion of Solutions for
Addressing, Controlling and Overcoming, Ministry of Natural Resources and
- 2015-2016: “Valuing Economic Impacts of Erosion and Accretion in Coastal
Estuaries for Management: Case Studies in Dai Estuary (Quang Nam Province) and
Ninh Co Estuary (Nam Dinh Province)”, Ministry of Natural Resources and
- 2013-2015: “Valuing Economic Impacts of Climate Change to Fisheries in
the North of Vietnam and Recommending Solutions for Mitigation”, code BDKH-25,
in Sciences and technologies for the National Targeted Programme on Coping with
Climate Change Programme, code KHCN-BDKH/11-15, Ministry of Natural Resources
and Environment.
- 2013-2015: “Research and Development of a Coastal Urban Model with
Climate Change Adaptive Capability”, code BDKH-32, in Sciences and technologies
for the National Targeted Programme on Coping with Climate Change Programme,
code KHCN-BDKH/11-15, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
- 2013-2015: “Estimating Economic Values of Typical Marine-Island Ecosystems
for the Development of Frontier Islands in Vietnam Seashore”, in Scientific and
technological researches for the management of sea, islands and marine economic
development programme, code KC 09/11-15, Ministry of Natural Resources and
- 2014-2015: “Vulnerability Assessment to Agriculture Activities due to
Landslides in Ban Diu Commune, Xin Man District and Tan Nam Commune, Quang Binh
District, Ha Giang Province”, University of Economics and Business, Vietnam
National University, Hanoi.
- 2013-2014: “Economic Losses due to Landslides and Debris Flows in Ban Diu
Commune (Xin Man District) and Tan Nam Commune (Quang Binh District) in Ha
Giang Province”, in SRV-10/0026 “Mitigation and Adaptation to Environmental
Geo-Disasters and Energy Generation in Vietnam Programme”, Vietnam National
University, Hanoi, ODA project funded by Norwegian Embassy.
- 2011-2012: “Evaluation of Changes in Livelihoods in Accordance with
Changes in Natural Environmental Conditions in Day Estuary”, in Mitigation and
Adaptation to Environmental Geo-Disasters and Energy Generation in Vietnam
Programme (Vinogeo – SRV 07/056), Vietnam National University, Hanoi, ODA
project funded by Norwegian Embassy.
- 2010-2011: “Economic Losses due to Geo-Disasters: Case-study of
Landslides in Bac Kan Town, Bac Kan Province”, in Mitigation and Adaptation to
Environmental Geo-Disasters and Energy Generation in Vietnam Programme (Vinogeo
– SRV 07/056), Vietnam National University, Hanoi, ODA project funded by
Norwegian Embassy.
- 2010-2011: “Economic Losses due to Geo-Disasters: Case-study of Land
Subsidence in Quoc Oai District, Hanoi City”, in Mitigation and Adaptation to
Environmental Geo-Disasters and Energy Generation in Vietnam Programme (Vinogeo
– SRV 07/056), Vietnam National University, Hanoi, ODA project funded by
Norwegian Embassy.
- 2010-2011: “Estimating Unit Cost of Training an Undergraduate student in
public universities of Vietnam”, Higher Education Project, Phase 2, Ministry of
Education and Training, funded by the World Bank.
- 2010: “Employment Evaluation of Graduates from the Vietnam National
University -Hanoi in the period 20072009”, Vietnam National University -Hanoi.
- 2009-2010: Education Targeted Budget Support Project, Ministry of
Education and Training, co-funded by CIDA and DFID.
- 2009: “Employment Evaluation of Graduates from the University of
Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi in the period
20062008”, University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University,
- 2008: “Training Need Assessment on Political Economics”, Faculty of
Economics, Vietnam National University - Hanoi.
- 2007-2008: “Estimating Economic Loss in Environmental Resources of Marine
Ecosystems due to Oil Overflows. Case study at Cua Dai Estuary and Cu Lao Cham
- 2007-2008: “Employment Evaluation of Graduates from the Faculty of
Economics, Vietnam National University, Hanoi in the period 20012005”, Faculty
of Economics, Vietnam National University - Hanoi, code KT.07.01.
- 2007-2008: “Survey on Demand on Advocacy, Business Associations and
Business Development Services in Craft Sector, Ha Tay Province”, Global
Competitiveness Foundation, DANIDA.
- 2006-2008: Building Capacity in Education Planning Project, Ministry of
Education and Training, funded by CIDA, administered by the World Bank.
- 2005-2006: “Tracer Survey on Graduate Students from 2001-2005”, Higher
Education Project, Phase 2 of Ministry of Education and Training, funded by the
World Bank.
- 2005: “Quick Scan Compliance Cost for Business in 10 Selected Legal
Domains”. Ministry of Planning and Investment, EU-Vietnam Private Sector
Support Programme.
- 2005: “Household Socio-Economic Survey for the Urban Development Project
Evaluation in Nam Dinh Province”. Nam Dinh Urban Development Project.
- 2004: “Socio-Economic Households’ Baseline Survey for the Impact
Evaluation of the Tam Dao National Park and Its Buffer Zone Management
Project”, Tam Dao National Park and Its Buffer Zone Management Project, funded
by GTZ.
- 2004: “The Operation of Land Markets and Poverty Issues in Northern
Vietnam”, Making Markets Work Better for the Poor, ADB.
- 2004: “Emerging Gender Issues in Viet Nam during Economic Integration, a
case study research Gender in the Factory: A Study of Emerging Gender Issues in
the Garment and Footwear Industries in Viet Nam”, National Committee for the
Advancement of Women, funded by UNDP.
- 2003: “Understanding the Demand for Risk-Managing Financial Services:
Case Study from Vietnam”. ILO (International Labour Organisation).