Topic: Financial mechanism for medical services in Vietnam public hospitals

Sign: LC359

Author: Nguyen Thi Xuan Mai.

Major: Political Eonomics

Year: 2008

Lecturer: Dr.Vu Duc Thanh

Purposes and missions:

Purposes: To bring up viewpoints and solutions for improving financial mechanism to support and administer healthcare services in Vietnam public hospitals


+ To clarify the concepts and characteristics of healthcare services in general; public hospital healthcare services as a type of government services in market economy

+ To explain various types of financial mechanisms to support and administer public hospital healthcare services.

+ To survey some support and administration systems of healthcare services in other countries to draw lessons for Vietnam.

+ To analyze the makeup of public hospitals’ finance supporting system, the true situation of healthcare services and their availability to the public at the present, to evaluate the successes (positive impact), the shortcomings and the current to-be- solved finance issues.

+ To suggest a number of viewpoints and measures to improve the financial mechanism for better services at Vietnam public hospitals.

New contributions:

- To clarify the characteristics of public hospital healthcare services - a type of unique healthcare services.

- To generalize some international experiences on public hospital healthcare services so as to draw the lessons for Vietnam.
- To propose viewpoints for innovation and explain some solutions to improve financial mechanisms for support and administration of healthcare services at public hospitals in Vietnam in the coming years.

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