Trang tin tức sự kiện

Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Nguyen Thi Kim Nguyen

Thesis title: Human resource for the Red River Delta agricultural, rural industrialization and modernization

I. General Information

- Author: Nguyen Thi Kim Nguyen

- Thesis title: Human resource for the Red River Delta agricultural, rural industrialization and modernization

- Subject: Economics

- Field: Political economics

- Code: 62 31 01 01

- Institution: VNU University of Economics and Business

II. Main contents

1. Aims and subjects of the study

On the basis of studying the theory and real situations of the human resource for the Red River Delta agricultural, rural industrialization and modernization in the stage of 2001-2012, the study proposes the viewpoints, and the essential solutions to develop the human resource for the Red River Delta agricultural, rural industrialization and modernization until 2020.

The thesis aims at studying the human resource for agricultural, rural industrialization and modernization. This resource has been carrying out and fulfilling the requirements of the agricultural, rural industrialization and modernization.

2. Methodology

The thesis applies the following research methods: dialectic materialism and historic materialism, scientific abstract, surveys, analysis, summary, statistics… These methods are used to clarify the scientific evidences and to make the suggestions as well as the proposals for the Red River Delta agricultural, rural industrialization and modernization more persuasible.

3. Main results and conclusions

By analyzing the concepts, assessing criteria, factors, roles, characteristics, tendency, and the requirements of the human resource for the agricultural, rural industrialization and modernization; also by summarizing certain experiences drawn out from this process, the thesis clarifies the real situations of the human resource, indentifying the reasons and problems in the agricultural, rural industrialization and modernization in the Red River Delta. The thesis suggests and proposes 5 viewpoints, 7 groups of solutions and 17 detailed solutions to the agricultural, rural industrialization and modernization in the Red River Delta until 2020. Among the mentioned solutions, there must be special attentions to the followings: Developing training and education, especially vocational training in order to improve the quality of the human resource of the agricultural, rural economic sectors; Training and developing the knowledgeable staff and scientists for the agricultural, rural industrialization and modernization; Enhancing, renovation the state management of the human resource development.

The proposed macroscopic and microscopic solutions which are synchronously and flexible, preferentially, and selectively implemented shall speed up the human resource for the Red River Delta the agricultural, rural industrialization and modernization in the upcoming time.



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