Trang tin tức sự kiện

Admission updates from Vietnam National University, Hanoi

On 4th May 2020, the Enrollment Steering Committee of Vietnam National University, Hanoi held a meeting and discussed the university enrollment plan in 2020. In order to reduce the pressure on candidates due to having to take many exams, the VNU decided not to implement the separated entrance exams but will accept the results of the high school graduation exams for admission.

Thus, the admission plan of VNU this year is basically unchanged as in 2019, specifically:
1. Expanding the list of direct admission, following the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
2. Admission based on the results of high school graduation exam in 2020.
3. Accepting international certificates such as SAT, A-Level, IELTS together with other sub-criteria.
More information will be updated on the website: and
>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

VNU University of Economics and Business


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