Trang tin tức sự kiện

UEB to recruit excellent lecturers

Following the human resource development strategy, UEB wishes to look for candidates with enthusiasm, talent, and qualifications to join hands to build a University of international standards, realizing the educational goal of training a generation of global citizens.

The number and positions of vacancy as follows:
9 lecturers at Faculty of Development Economics
  • Economics
  • Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development
  • Resource Economics and Real Estate
  • Econometrics and Data Science
  • Statistics and economic research methods.
5 lecturers of the Faculty of Political Economy
  • Political Economy
  • History of economic thought and economic history
6 lecturers from Faculty of Accounting - Auditing
  • Accountant
  • Audit
13 lecturers from Faculty of Finance and Banking 
  • Bank
  • Public finance
  • Financial investment
01 lecturer at School of Business Administration
  • Corporate Culture
Details of the information can be found here

UEB Media


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