Trang tin tức sự kiện

University of Economics and Business Invite for Cooperation

The University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (COE) has been approved for establishing by the Prime Minister. Its mission is to provide highly qualified human resources in policy analysis, economic management and business administration to meet the demands of international economic integration.

The university aims to become one of the leading universities in Vietnam, and to be ranked among the top universities regionally and globally for training, research and service provision in economics, management and business administration by 2022.

To realize above mission and goals, the university now is carrying out many cooperation programs with enterprises and international universities. We therefore need highly qualified human resources, including overseas Vietnamese, foreigners and the specialists profoundly interested in education, advocate innovation and international integration joining the following works:

  • Lecturers

  • Supervisor for student’s essay and graduation paper

  • Supervisor for graduate student’s dissertation

  • Member of interdisciplinary research group

  • Leader and manager of Departments, Centers; Services, Programs.

Working modes: Full member or part-time alternatively.

Interests: Negotiation, according to your ability and contribution.

For further information, please contact:
University of Economics and Business

Tel: (84.4) 37547506



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