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Two experts from Germany to do research at the UEB

From 9th July to 30th September 2018, two experts from University of Goettingen, Germany will work at VNU University of Economics and Business as visiting lecturers and researchers.

Mr. Dieter Koemle - Doctoral student and Dr. Birgit Gassler - Postdoctoral researcher from Germany. This is part of the project funded by K.I.T.F.E.M (Knowledge and Innovation in, to and from Emerging Markets), which supports and promotes scholar exchange between the VNU - UEB and University of Goettingen.
Accordingly, Mr. Dieter and Ms. Birgit will work at Faculty of International Business and Economics and School of Business Administration respectively. Within the framework of the project, the two experts will continue with their personal researches meanwhile doing research with faculty members and taking part in lectures and field trips.

In the last week of September, the UEB will host a seminar on long-term economic development; the experts will present the contents of their published research. Details of the seminar will be updated on UEB’s website.
>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

Tu Uyen


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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