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OCU and UEB students talk

Students of Osaka City University and University of Economics and Business are devided into groups to discuss
Under the cooperation framework between Osaka City University, Japan (OCU) and VNU University of Economics and Business, students of the two universities have taken part in a meeting on 29th June 2012 to discuss and share their experience in study, research and student’s living.

Openning the meeting, students of the two universities have self-introduced their team members by impressive performances. OCU students have brought with them beautiful Japanese souvenirs as the greeting gifts.
Following the meeting, students from two universities have in turn presented the studies about the themes of total quality management, cultural of Vietnamese / Japanese youth, daylife of Vietnamese / Japanese students at campus. During the meeting, they also discussed on future exchange and cooperation programs of students of Vietnam and Japan in general as well as students of Osaka City University and University of Economics and Business in particular.
In the same afternoon, student of OCU and UEB were devided into groups to have further discussion on specific topics, bringing the meeting a friendly and ebullient atmosphere.
The exchange activity was highly interactive as the groups of students have the opportunity to listen, to raise questions and discuss about research and study in different environments. It was a good opportunity for students of VNU University of Economics and Business to learn more about Land of the Rising Sun, as well as get to know Japanese students living and their culture, thereby to share knowledge with OCU students. In addition, students of the two universities also had the opportunity to explore research and exchange programs which can open up more opportunities for them in the future.

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