Trang tin tức sự kiện

Vietnamese goods improves quality to win trust of consumers

Vietnamese goods win the higher trust of consumers. Notably, in the context of the complicatedly developing Covid-19 pandemic, while many economic indicators decreased, the total retail sales of consumer goods and service revenue remained at a good growth rate.Vietnamese goods win the higher trust of consumers. Notably, in the context of the complicatedly developing Covid-19 pandemic, while many economic indicators decreased, the total retail sales of consumer goods and service revenue remained at a good growth rate.

Bringing Vietnamese goods to consumers helps boost goods consumption, product promotion, and access to new markets. The “Your Expert Program”, themed "Vietnamese goods improve quality to win the trust of consumers" introduced the participation of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Chi Anh - Director of the Center for Business Administration Research (CBAS), Lecturer at the School of Business Administration, VNU-UEB.



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