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2012 - The year of tradition, creativity, and renovation

Assoc.Prof.Ph.D Nguyen Hong Son – Rector of VNU University of Economics and Business
On the occasion of the new year 2012 Assoc.Prof.Ph.D Nguyen Hong Son – Rector in an interview sends the following message to all staff, faculty members, students, and alumni who have been working and/or studying at VNU University of Economics and Business;

Could you please share some of your thoughts of the achievements of VNU University of Economics and Business in the year 2011?

At the end of a year, an organization reviews what it has achieved over the past year. And so here is the review of the University of Economics and Business. In the year 2011, the University of Economics and Business achieved the following main results: (i) A dramatically increased number of students enrolling in honor, international standard, and postgraduate academic programs; (ii) publication of the “Vietnam Economic Annual Report” in English and Vietnamese; (iii) being an implementer of State-level and international research projects; (iv) an increasing number of articles were published in international journals; (v) UEB students gained the Ministry of Education and Training First Prize for students’ research; (vi) students of the first training program for potential leaders under the contract with the Central Committee graduated; (vii) opening a new master training program for technology management and business development; (viii) Appointing and reappointing managers of functional departments in the University in the term 2011-2016; (ix) organization of the 2010 Bao Son Prize Awarding Ceremony; (xi) improvement of the material conditions of the University. Additionally, the University staff, faculty, students, and alumni have participated very actively in various cultural activities and gained prizes such as a Table-tennis First Prize held by the Ministry of Education and Training; Badminton First Prize of the VNU Sport Festival,…etc.

These are significant achievements for the University of Economics and Business as well as for staff, faculty, students, and alumni because they have proved that the University has been striving for high-quality and international standards, consistent in pursuing strategic goals and followed the orientation developed by VNU, all of which help the University to increase its prestige and promote its trademark.

You have just mentioned VNU University of Economics and Business was successful in bidding for big projects. Could you please tell something about that?

In 2011, VNU University of Economics and Business was successful in bidding for one state-level project, two sustainable development projects funded by the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development; and one international project “Building Female Entrepreneurial Skills for Small and Medium Enterprises in ASEAN countries” sponsored by AusAID in cooperation with the University of Sydney, Australia. The issues that those research projects touch are both “hot” and new and require highly creative and applicable competencies. The University has created favorable conditions to attract as many resources as possible for research purposes. For example, the University worked with the National Financial Supervisory Committee and the Deposit Insurance of Vietnam to co-organize an international workshop of “Banking Restructuring– International Experiences and Policy Implications for Vietnam.” This issue is very hot, attracting the special attention of the Vietnamese Government and recognized a top concern in 2012. Accordingly, the workshop was very pertinent for the society and domestic policy makers. It was expected to promote discussions and comprehensive research regarding banking restructuring in Vietnam; contribute to the enrichment of a theoretical framework; and suggest policy implications for the success of the restructuring of Vietnamese banking.

The fact that VNU University of Economics and Business was successful in bidding for a State-level and an international research project has shown the research competencies of its staff and faculties. It has also highlighted the prestige of the University and pointed to the University’s progress on the way to becoming a research-oriented university at the international level.

You have been rector of VNU University of Economics and Business for a year. Could you please tell us which things you are most satisfied with?

Well, I highly appreciate the staff and faculty for their trust and assistance, VNU for its effective support, and domestic and international partners for their fruitful cooperation. These are the things I find most satisfied with. I consider these things as an active motivation for me to be successful at leading the University towards high quality and at an international level. Moreover, these successes show that the choice we have made to build our University as an institution of high quality and at international level is right. We know who and where we are. It also proves the fact that we are trusted by highly ranked leaders. Partners who commit to work with us do so because they have seen and believed in what we do and know the mutual benefits that we can achieve - not just the signing of MOUs only.

In your opinion, what is a university leader currently challenged by? What is the most important thing for a rector to be successful at leadership?

Leading a university in a time when high quality and effectiveness are demanded for the development requirements of social and economic sustainability is not easy, surely. The most difficult thing now is how we can solve the conflict between high expectations for quality and the actual implementation conditions. This we know that cannot be done in a short time.

As rector, in my opinion, unity and consistent policy and actions play the most important role. If each staff member, faculty member, student, and alumni sees the development of the University as not only the Rector’s personal business, but also theirs (in which the Rector takes the highest responsibility) and if they are willing to stand “shoulder by shoulder” with the Rector in all activities, he will have no reason to be unable to fulfill essential tasks in a good way.

What do you think of VNU University of Economics and Business’s students? What are you most satisfied with and what do you expect from them?

As rector, I can say that the students of VNU University of Economics and Business have outstanding features. First, they are clever, dynamic, and have a good command of English. Second, they have a great passion for scientific research. The evidence being that there have been students of the University who have won ministry and VNU prizes for student’s research in recent years. Additionally, the University’s students are very active in social, sport, and cultural activities.

However, there is a thing that I want to say to my students. You students enjoy a very good learning environment at VNU University of Economics and Business. Therefore, together with your families’ assistance and investment, I do not think you are allowed to ignore these things or “to rest on your laurels”. It is better that you make effort for more successes. You should strive and take initiative in all activities, so you study, improve your competences, and are more adaptive to meet the increasing requirements of the fast changing economy and society.

What message do you want to send to staff, faculty members, students and alumni in the year 2012?

In 2012, we are going to celebrate the 5thanniversary of establishment of VNU University of Economics and Business and the 40th year of tradition of the Faculty of Political Economy – Hanoi General University. Therefore, this is the year of tradition, creativity, and renovation that which will prepare necessary conditions for the quality, effectiveness, and harmoniousness that the University is pursuing.

Thank you for having spent your time for this interview. I wish you good health and success in the New Year 2012. 

Reported by Phuong Nguyen


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