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UEB collaborated with the Vietnam Central Committee of Propaganda to organize the scientific conference "Sustainable development of Vietnam's marine economy"

The workshop was organized to promote propaganda and implementation of Resolution 36, proposing a number of tasks and solutions for sustainable development of the marine economy in the new situation.

Attending the scientific conference were Associate Professor, Dr. Le Hai Binh - Alternate member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Head of the Central Committee of Propaganda; Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Bao Son, Vice President of VNU; Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Truc Le, Secretary of UEB’s Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Mr. Nguyen Que Lam, Deputy Head of the Central Steering Committee for Foreign Information Affairs, Director of the Department of Foreign Information and International Cooperation, Central Committee of Propaganda, representatives of ministries, agencies and localities related to marine and island affairs and representatives from universities, institutes and experts and scientists in marine and island fields.

The scientific conference "Sustainable development of Vietnam's marine economy"

Speaking at the opening, Dr. Le Hai Binh emphasized that, according to Resolution No. 36 -NQ/TW, dated October 22, 2018 of the 8th Central Conference, session XII "On the strategy for sustainable development of Vietnam's marine economy until 2030, with a vision to 2045", viewpoints, goals, policies and solutions in developing the marine economy were already defined, so that by 2045, Vietnam will become a strong maritime nation with sustainable development, prosperity, security and safety.

After 5 years of implementing Resolution 36, the marine economy has made important developments, creating motivation for localities and the country. At the same time, the content and methods of sea and island propaganda nationwide in 2024 and the following years were defined.

Thereby, in order to build and develop the marine economy, it is necessary to unify ideology and awareness of the position, role, and importance of oceans for building and protecting the Fatherland; Encourage scientists to promote research on the sea and islands; At the same time, it contributes to fight against the activities and rhetoric of hostile forces taking advantage sea and islands related issues to harm our country.

Speaking at the conference, Dr. Pham Bao Son stated clearly that Vietnam is a maritime and island country with a key strategic position in terms of defense, economy, and international cooperation. Therefore, Vietnam's marine economic development must be harmonious and consistent with the goal of ensuring the national security and defense. On that basis, the contributions made by scientists in marine economy research and development are increasingly valued. VNU with its outstanding advantage in interdisciplinary research, will be the place to provide studies on islands related to history, natural advantages, resources, as well as marine economic development models, etc.

Dr. Nguyen Truc Le affirmed that the task of making our country strong and rich thanks to the sea must identify the importance of sustainable development of the marine economy. Although significant outcome have been achieved, goals and tasks set out in the Party and State's guidelines and policies on the sea are still limited and have not promoted their advantages and potential of the sea well.

Links between coastal regions, between coastal regions and localities with inland regions and localities; There is still a lack of coherence and ineffectiveness between industries and fields related to the sea; Environmental pollution and ecosystem degradation issues pose an increasing risk in the context of climate change and rising sea levels. Therefore, research to propose effective and sustainable marine economic development models is an urgent issue.

The workshop attracted scientists, policymakers from organizations, businesses, leaders from ministries, departments, branches, and agencies... The presentations discussed issues Party policies, State legal policies in sustainable development of the marine economy; Current status of development of Vietnam's marine economic sectors; Foreign affairs, propaganda, and foreign information related to the sea and island issues...

Dr. Le Trung Thanh and Comrade Nguyen Que Lam chaired discussions on Vietnam's marine economy. The participants mentioned a number of solutions for sustainable development of the marine economy.

To summarize the conference, Dr. Le Trung Thanh emphasized important ideas at the conference.

Firstly, it is necessary to continue to improve the policy and legal system on sustainable development of the marine economy. In particular, it is focused on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of policy and law enforcement; Resolving conflicts and overlaps between legal documents.

Second, it is necessary to separate policies for each industry and locality for the marine economy development. In particular, it is focused on enhancing the role of businesses and localities; and combining marine economy with national defense and security and environmental protection.

Third, it is necessary to improve the effectiveness of international cooperation in marine economic development. In particular, it is necessary to focus resources on foreign information; Actively participate in international trade agreements on marine economy, consistently maintain peace, security, safety and freedom of navigation in the East Sea.

Recommendations in the workshop will contribute to promoting the implementation of Resolution No. 36-NQ/TW, dated October 22, 2018 on the strategy for sustainable development of Vietnam's marine economy until 2030, a vision to 2045.

UEB Media


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