Trang tin tức sự kiện

Approving draft of Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2014

At the Approval Committee of Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2014
On March 13rd 2014, Vietnam National University, Hanoi held an approval meeting for Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2014, which has been implemented by VNU University of Economics and Business.

Participating in the approval committee were leaders of VNU, UEB and specialists of Central Theoretical Council, Central Institute for Economic Management, National Assembly’s Committee on Financial and Budgetary Affairs, Committee on Science and Environment…

The series of reports conducted by UEB’s Vietnam Center for Economic and Policy Research is published annually, aimed at summarize the achievements and difficulties of Vietnam’s economy in each year. In the report, the authors also analyze major economic issues and discuss opportunities and challenges of the economy for the next year. The report of 2014 is the sixth product of the series.

Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2014 focused on identifying the barriers of economic growth of Vietnam in the medium term, in particular:

- Reviewing the world economy and Vietnam’s economy in 2013 to point out achievements and challenges in the last year in the context of domestic macroeconomic instability associated with the global political economic unstableness, thereby assessing opportunities and challenges for Vietnam’s economy in 2014 and the following years.

- Under socio-economic perspective, the author evaluate the 2014 economy in terms of economic instability, barriers of economic restructuring caused by the defects.

- Evaluating the economy in 2013-2014 under several policy aspects such as improving the investment environment, level of financial soundness of the whole economic system, Vietnam’s integration in the ASEAN Economic Community…

The draft of Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2014 has received numerous comments and suggestions from the specialist, which are a significant contribution to implement and complete the project in the coming period.

Nguyet Nuong - Thuy Dzung


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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