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10 major achievements of the VNU-UEB in 2013-2014 academic year

Overcoming various challenges, in the 2013-2014 academic year, the VNU University of Economics and Business has fulfilled its task plan under the theme “Constant innovation, in-dept development, towards research university”. Major activities of the university have been selected as representative achievements in 2013-2014 academic year, the Editorial Board would like to introduce as follows:

1. The UEB management and organizational mechanism is completed in accordance with development requirements
In the academic year of 2013-2014, the VNU University of Economics and Business has been strengthened its organizational mechanism, filling the posts of vice rector and several heads of the UEB offices and departments. The UEB established the Legal Sub-division, Center for Economic and Management Information System and built a base to launch the UEB Foundation. The university also received new faculty members from VNU Training Center for Teachers of Political Theory.

2. The university opens new training programs which are permitted to recruit students by the VNU leader
Within the training program planning of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, in 2013-2014 academic year, the UEB has opened a new doctoral training program in Finance - Banking and five bachelor’s programs (regular undergraduate program of Business Administration and four double degree programs in Finance - Banking, International Economics, Economics and Development Economics). The university has been completed the planning of training programs to 2020, which are permitted by VNU Board, including one bachelor’s program, nine master’s programs and three training programs at doctoral degree. The UEB have permitted to recruite regarding a new program and five international joint training programs under the Decree 73/2012/NĐ-CP of the government.

3. The UEB successfully accompanished the external quality accreditation for international standard BBA program by AUN-QA
In the early May 2014, the University of Economics and Business has carried out an external quality accreditation by ASEAN Universities Network level for international standard BBA training program. At the closing ceremony, the delegation of ASEAN Universities Network has announced several positive results about the training program of the university. This will set the foundation for the university to constantly improve  quality of the training programs.

4. Short term training courses are strengthened
In the academic year, the VNU University of Economics and Business successfully held short term human resources training programs for various enterprises and provincial authorities. Accordingly, the university have implemented 15 courses in several provinces such as Thanh Hoa, Ninh Binh, Bac Giang, Phu Tho, Nghe An, and several enterprises namely PVPower, Vinaconex 25, General Motor Vietnam. In particular, the learners have acquired the knowledge from the courses and apply the modern management thinking to their current position, especially in the public sector. The training courses received positive feedbacks of the relevant parties, opening new opportunities of cooperation, which strengthen the existing relationship between the university and the business or locality. This proves the increasing prestige of the UEB in human resource training for the society.

5. The transfer of research products and consulting services flourish
In the academic year 2013-2014, the UEB promoted the policy consulting activities for businesses, local authorities and achieved encouraging results, which have contributed to the socio-economic development of Vietnam. Besides handing over annual research products (Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2013) to the Central Theoretical Council, in the same academic year, the university also transfered the study on “reviewing of 30 years of innovation: promoting industrialization and modernization in Vietnam and institutional innovation of socialist-oriented market economy to the Central Economic Comission. The UEB has contracted with several enterprises for business advisory such as with VINAPCO and CITICOM. Regarding VINAPCO, the university has finished the first stage and already launched the second stage of the activity. Although consultancy and technology transfer are newly conducted activities, the university has formed an important foundation in the process of fulfilling its mission.

6. Science articles on international and domestic journals, especially journals indexed by ISI and SCOPUS
In academic year 2012-2013, the UEB had 19 international articles; meanwhile in the next year, the number has reached 27, 14 of which are published on journals indexed by ISI and SCOPUS (in stead of three one in academic year 2012-2013).

7. The university outbid for three state-level research projects and an international project of green development funded by UNDP
The outbidding for three state-level research projects in the academic year 2013-2014 has raised the number of projects at the same level to seven, all implemented by the university. The Prime Minister has authorized the university to conduct the project on developing the research capacity of education and training policy to promote green development, funded by UNDP. It is the largest scale project that the university ever managed. Expectedly, the project is launched from October 2014.
In the academic year 2013-2014, the university has developed collaboration in research with several provinces, such as Ha Nam, Ninh Binh, Dak Nong... The university also proposed initiatives of various major programs to open further activities for the next years. These projecs will contribute to improving the research capacity of the UEB staff, as well as increase the prestige of research of the university, contributing to the socio-economic development of the country.

8. Staff capacity is strengthened and recognized
With the continuous efforts in training, research and management, various staffs, faculty memers and students of the university has been granted prestigious awards, such as two faculties received the academic title of Associate Professor; three staffs get the promotion to senior official; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son was awarded the title of typical professor for the period of 2008-2013; two publications editted by Dr. Vu Anh Dung also received the Silver Award of the Vietnam Book Award; the UEB students won first prize of 2013 Vietnamese Young Scientists Award at VNU level. In addition, the UEB research team on “Macroeconomic theory and policy in the context of international economic integration of Vietnam” is recognized as the one of 16 strong research teams of VNU.

9. The information technology and communications are promoted
Within the overall goals of development, the information technology and communications of the UEB has been invested and improved. The university has been computerizing almost activities. The LAN and wifi ensure the connection stability and meet the using requirements of of the UEB staff and students. In 2013-2014 academic year, website of the university is recognized as the most influencial website and having largest scale among VNU’s university members. Furthermore, through various activities such as online recruitment advisory, responding to readers’ questions via email, forming a data base on a digital library, the UEB website has received positive feedbacks from readers.

10. Art and cultural activities strengthen working environment at the university
In the last academic year, the art and cultural activities were positively supported by the UEB staff, faculty and students such as: Singing Contest on Vietnamese Teachers’ Day 20/11, soccer tournament for female students, soccer tournament for male students and staff. Besides, the UEB staff and students have actively participated in celebrating concert of 20th anniversary since the issue of Decree on Vietnam National University, Hanoi. UEB Annual Gala was held in 2013 with innovative and attractive performances. This is the fifth UEB Gala held by trade union of the university.

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VNU University of Economics and Business


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