Trang tin tức sự kiện

UEB celebrated Vietnamese Teacher's Day 20/11

Director of Deposit Insurance of Vietnam congratulated the UEB leaders
In the exciting atmosphere of 40th traditional anniversary, VNU University of Economics and Business seems more brilliant with flowers and sincere greetings from the generations of students, graduates, fellows and partners for UEB on the Vietnamese Teachers' Day.

This year, the Vietnamese Teachers’ Day was held solemnly and friendly at Faculty offices, centers and other departments. Though the atmosphere of Vietnamese Teacher's Day among different offices, centers or departments is unique, it shows the love and respect of generations of students, fellows as well as partners for the staffs, lecturers in particular and the university in general.
On the special day of November, Board of Management and UEB’s heads of offices, centers visited and congratulated the faculties. This is an opportunity for UEB leaders to express their respect to the lectures for their valuable contributions to the development of UEB.

Friendly meetings of UEB leaders and staff of Faculty of Development Economics

On the occasion of 20th November, the Central Economics Committee congratulated UEB leaders

>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

Minh Phuong


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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