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10 outstanding events of the UEB in 2014

In 2014, the economy of the country and the world still faced with many difficulties, higher education experienced many changes, having significant impacts on the development pace of universities in Vietnam in general and the VNU University of Economics and Business in particular. However, the UEB had the notable development in all aspects thanks to the great efforts of the whole staff, faculty, fellows, graduates and students as well. Here are 10 typical achievements voted by the UEB in 2014:

1. Successfully celebrating its 40th traditional anniversary

Delegates, participants and the whole staff, faculty, fellows, graduate and undergraduate students of the UEB took a photo together
Delegates, participants and the whole staff, faculty, fellows, graduate and undergraduate students of the UEB took a photo together

On 16th November, 2014, VNU University of Economics and Business celebrated 40th traditional anniversary (11/1974 - 11/2014). The meeting celebration was an important milestone which was to recall the previous 40-year path and towards the path ahead with long-term plans, continuously to promote the UEB to become a research-oriented university to meet international standards. That was the great opportunity for generations of UEB’s teachers and students to meet, and for the university and its partners to look back the cooperation process, discuss and share their feelings, assessments and consultancy about the future development of the University. Accordingly, participants could reaffirm the UEB’s initial development direction, encourage and strengthen the solidarity and high determination of not only teachers and students, but also its partners and stakeholders in reaching the development goals set out: High quality training is associated with international standards, scientific research is associated with practices of enterprises, localities and policies.
The UEB will continue promoting achievements and gradually become destination of knowledge; destination of policy makers, business leaders in Vietnam for sharing problems related to economy, management and business administration.

2. Upgrading Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research from Vietnam Center for Economic and Policy Research; and establishing the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - UEB Rector handed the Decision to establish VEPR to Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - UEB Rector handed the Decision to establish VEPR to Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh

In 2014, the UEB carried out upgrading Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research from Vietnam Center for Economic and Policy Research and establishing the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing. On 17th November, 2014, the UEB solemnly held the inauguration ceremony of Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research. Then on 18th November, 2014, the UEB successfully held the announcement ceremony of Decision to establish the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing. The aim of upgrading Vietnam Center for Economic and Policy Research and establishing Faculty of Accounting and Auditing is to complete the UEB’s organizational structure as well as broaden cooperation and development opportunities for these two units under the UEB.

3. Project on “Capacity building for policy research and training and education to advance green development” (GDPRTE Project) funded by UNDP officially comes into operation. This is the biggest project that the UEB has ever carried out until now.

Mr Bakhodir Burkhanov - UNDP Deputy Country Director at the Launching Ceremony of GDPRTE

Mr Bakhodir Burkhanov - UNDP Deputy Country Director at the Launching Ceremony of GDPRTE

On 28th October, 2014, VNU University of Economics and Business held the launching ceremony of the project on “Capacity building for policy research and training and education to advance green development” (GDPRTE Project). With the purpose of building capacity for researchers and lecturers at the University (VNU-UEB), the project will integrate climate change and green growth into education at universities, and develop a range of innovative programs and activities. This project will make direct contributions to the country’s efforts to develop national climate change response initiatives towards green growth with a focus on policy analysis and build capacity for researchers and lecturers, simultaneously educate and train qualified human resources that will be involved in the implementation of the green growth model. The successful implementation of this project will be a significant foundation for UEB to build up its prestige as one of the leading research universities in Vietnam. Additionally, it could contribute practically to the implementation of the National Strategy for Green Growth in 2012 and most recently, the National Action Plan on Green Growth in Vietnam for the period of 2014-2020.

4. Successfully organizing major scientific events such as international conferences on AEC, Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2014, Global Partnership of Asian Colleges - GPAC 2014…

GPAC 2014 with participation of more than 120 international lecturers and students together with 80 Vietnam’s lecturers and students

GPAC 2014 with participation of more than 120 international lecturers and students together with 80 Vietnam’s lecturers and students

In 2014, the UEB continued successfully organizing major scientific events such as Launching Ceremony of Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2014 entitled “The constraints to growth”, International Conference on “Participation in ASEAN Economic Community: International Experience and Implications for Vietnam”, Global Partnership of Asian Colleges - GPAC 2014 with participation of more than 120 lecturers and students from large-scale universities in the region… That provided the UEB staff, lecturers, students with precious opportunities to broaden relationships, conduct researches and exchange teaching methodology, research results and practical experiences with the experts inside and outside the country, simultaneously to be good opportunity to spread the UEB’s image in the society.

5. Completing assessments for training program of Bachelor in Business Administration towards international standards according to AUN-QA (ASEAN University Network - Quality Assurance)

With the aim of improving, promoting high quality towards regional and international integration, in May 2014, the UEB undertook the assessments of high quality training program of Bachelor in Business Administration according to AUN-QA. A group of Chief Quality Officers gave some satisfied conclusions about the training program of the UEB. This is the basic for the UEB to continue promoting further quality of high quality training program of Bachelor in Business Administration as well as other programs.

6. State-level research projects and international publications strongly increased with 7 state-level research projects and 25 international articles (6 ISI, 5 Scopus)

At the unit-level acceptance of the state-level project entitled “ASEAN Economic Community in new context of the world and the participation of Vietnam”, dated 31st January, 2014

At the unit-level acceptance of the state-level project entitled “ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in a new context of the world and the participation of Vietnam”, dated 31st January, 2014

Scientific research activities of the UEB in 2014 was extremely cheerful and gained encouraging achievements, showing theincreasing professionals of the UEB staff, faculty in scientific research. Up to December 2014, the UEB staff and faculty have been implementing 7 state-level research projects, showing a significant rise in the numbers of publications. In 2013, the UEB staff and faculty had 141 published articles, with 20 international publications meanwhile in 2014, the UEB had 161 published articles, with 25 international publications (6 articles on the journal of database ISI, 5 articles on the database Scopus). This is the remarkable achievement for a young university, which is specialized in research in the fields of economy, business and management, being the basic for the development in the future.

7. Short-term training courses and consulting activities for businesses, localities strongly promoted.

Participants made presentation of working group results at the short-term training course on “Strategic leadership skills for government officers of Phu Tho Province”

Participants made presentation of working group results at the short-term training course on “Strategic leadership skills for government officers of Phu Tho Province”

In 2014, series of short-term training courses were implemented in various provinces, contributing to broaden new cooperation opportunities and tighten traditional relationships between the UEB and businesses, localities. Training courses were successfully implemented and received good responses from relevant parties. This is significant growth in completing UEB’s mission in conducting research projects and transferring research products to the government, organizations, businesses and society.

8. UEB’s website was recognized as a website with the best impact indicator and largest scale among VNU's units



In July 2014, UEB’s website was recognized as the one with the best impact indicator and largest scale among VNU's units. At the same time, the UEB website ranked 34th in the Web Ranking of Vietnam Universities (Webometrics). This is the first time UEB’s website has ranked in this ranking system. This is thanks to the efforts of the University in building and completing the website system, meeting the information needs and contributing to management, training, research activities, as well as promoting image of the University. The support of information technology and communication have gradually innovated and effectively operated.

9. Successfully transferring the research results on “Reviewing 30 years of innovation: Promoting industrialization and modernization in Vietnam and institutional innovation of socialist-oriented market economy” to the Central Economic Commission.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son, UEB Rector, on behalf of the University, received Certificate of Merit awarded by the Party Central Committee's Economic Commission for their effective cooperation

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son, UEB Rector, on behalf of the University, received Certificate of Merit awarded by the Party Central Committee's Economic Commission for their effective cooperation

In recent years, with constant efforts of the staff, faculty, learners, and consistence with the development objectives in combination of training with scientific research, practice and technology transfer, the VNU University of Economics and Business has been a reliable address, exchange destination of lecturers, researchers and experts; a consulting organization for ministries, central offices, localities and businesses. The UEB is said to be an active environment, a model between university and businesses with many programs, projects in cooperation with ministries, officers, businesses and localities. Through the gained achievements, the UEB affirms the directions once again: Building the UEBtowards research-oriented university is absolutely right.

10. Opening a new program and changing 5 international joint-training programs according to Decision 73/2012/NĐ-CP, permitted by VNU in student enrollment.

The UEB opened a new program and changed 5 international joint-training programs according to Decree 73/2012/NĐ-CP and received the permission of VNU for student enrollment. They included, opening new training program of Master in Finance and Banking - International Commerce jointed with Bordeaux University (France) and changing 5 international joint-training programs like training program of Bachelor in Business Administration jointed with Troy University (US), training program of Bachelor in Economics - Finance 2+2 jointed with Massey University (New Zealand), training program of Master in Business Administration jointed with Benedictine University (US), training program of Master in Public Management joined with Uppsala University (Sweden). Opening international joint-training programs shows that the UEB has increasingly developed varies training fields towards internationalization. The joint-training programs have brought remarkable effectiveness and a positive spillover for the development of UEB, meeting the needs of the society for high quality training towards international standards.

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Minh Phuong (Transl)


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