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Meeting in the Lunar New Year 2015

Together with the exciting and happy atmosphere of the Lunar New Year 2015, during the two days 24th and 25th February, 2015 (6thand 7thJanuary, Lunar New Year 2015), UEB’s Management Board visited UEB’s offices and centers for New Year greetings.

Visiting UEB’s offices, faculties, centers and institute, the Management Board together with leader representatives of units brought the New Year wishes of good health, happiness, success and “myriad things go according” to the staff and lecturers in particular and units in general. At each unit, funny stories, poems or songs made the atmosphere more cheerful and happier. Representatives of each unit also presented the achievements gained in the last year, thanked UEB’s Management Board for their care as well as supports and expressed the determination to implement successfully targeted missions in this New Year.
Also at the warm meeting of the Lunar New Year, the UEB’s Management Board expressed their hope that all units would further complete targeted plans, contributing to the construction and development of the University, then gradually affirming its position as well as brand with an innovative, principle and professional learning/working environment.
We will together enjoy the first days of the Lunar New Year 2015 at VNU-UEB through the following series of photos:

UEB Vice Rector together leader representatives from offices and faculties visited and gave best wishes to UEB Rector

Cheerful and exciting atmosphere of Lunar New Year with lucky money giving session at Faculty of Finance and Banking

Happy atmosphere at Faculty of Development Economics

Faculty of Political Economics welcomed UEB’s Management Board and leader representatives from offices to enjoy Lunar New Year 2015

Cheerful atmosphere of the Lunar New Year with funny stories at the Center for Economic Development Studies

UEB’s Management Board and leader representatives from offices took photo together at the Center for Communication and Public Relations

Center for Higher Educational Quality Assurance took photo with UEB’s Management Board and leader representatives from offices on Lunar New Year 2015

The UEB delegations visited the Temple of Literature, the first university of Vietnam and took photo together

Hopefully, the New Year of Goat 2015 will bring lots of innovation and successes for the VNU University of Economics and Business. Wishing that the whole staff, lecturers, fellows, graduate and undergraduate students of VNU-UEB are full of good health, happiness and successes, contributing to the stable development of the University.

Kha Nguyen


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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