Trang tin tức sự kiện

Leader of the UEB Youth Union

PhD. Vu Duy – Secretary of the UEB Youth Union
Being passionate, enthusiastic, dare to think and dare to do are the qualities belonging to the leader of the youth union. This is also the comments about PhD. Vu Duy – Secretary of the UEB Youth Union.

After 5 years living and studying in France, after earning his PhD in economics, Duy returned to Vietnam. He said “After years of expanding my knowledge and experiences in France, I desperate to bring it home, to contribute to my country. The destination I chose for myself is the VNU University of Economics and Business, the dynamic and prestigious university in Vietnam.”

PhD. Vu Duy - the leader of the students

Besides teaching, Duy also takes part in the youth activities as the secretary – the leader of the students. He inspired the students and lead them in various activities, including the volunteer campaign in the flooded areas in the central, the remote areas in Muong Khuong, Lao cai; the Welcome weeks for the new students etc. Success of these activities brought by an united student union and an inspiring leader.

PhD. Vu Duy during his study in France 
>>>Click here to see the news in Vietnamese

Thanh Tu


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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