Trang tin tức sự kiện

UEBer accumulates practical experience in green economy from Swedish businesses

This is the topic of the seminar "Pioneering Breakthrough" jointly organized by the University of Economics - VNU (UEB - VNU) and the Embassy of Sweden on November 3, 2022. This is an opportunity for Swedish experts and large enterprises in Vietnam to exchange, share and exchange knowledge and practical experience in business with students with attractive and relevant content. towards building a developed society with sustainable living values.

At the seminar, on the side of the Swedish Embassy and businesses in Vietnam, there were the attendance of Mr. Ola Karlman - Head of Promotion, Economy and Politics Department, Embassy of Sweden in Vietnam; Ms. Dang Phuong Lan, Embassy of Sweden; Mr. Denis Brunetti, President of Ericsson in Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos; Mr. Martin Otahel – Quality Compliance Manager, IKEA Company; Ms. Pham Thanh Nhung - Sales Manager of North and Central Region, Electrolux Company in Vietnam; Ms. Luong Thanh Thu, Tetra Pak Vietnam Sustainability Manager.


Representatives from the Switzerland enterprises attending the seminar 
On the side of University of Economics - VNU, there were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu - Vice Rector of the University; Dr. Nguyen Duc Lam – Head of R&D Department; lecturers of the Faculty of Political Economy, and more than 100 UEB students participated in listening, exchanging and learning experiences from experts at the panel.


Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Anh Thu speaks at the seminar 
Toàn cảnh buổi tọa đàm với sự tham dự của các thầy cô Trường ĐH Kinh tế - ĐHQGHN, đối tác phía Đại sứ quán Thụy Điển tại Việt Nam cùng các em sinh viên của Nhà trường 
With the orientation of practical application research along with the strongly promoted strategy of internationalization of education, at present, the University is a reliable "destination" of scholars and researchers from many countries. around the world, creating an open - "multicultural" environment for students of the whole school to have the opportunity to interact with speakers, domestic and international businesses to learn, acquire skills, practical experience besides cultivating knowledge in books. Talks with the Swedish Embassy and Swedish businesses are an example of such training programs at UEB.


Speaking at the seminar, Mr. Ola Karlman - Head of Trade, Economic and Political Promotion Department, Embassy of Sweden in Vietnam shared about the main content "Pioneering Breakthrough", which refers to the Sweden's policy on climate change and green transition through a short video sent to UEB students about how Sweden became the world's first fossil fuel-free OECD country.


Ông Ola Karlman - Trưởng phòng Xúc tiến Thương mại, Kinh tế và Chính trị, Đại sứ quán Thụy Điển tại Việt Nam phát biểu tại tọa đàm 
With the theme "Imagine Possible" Mr. Denis Brunetti, President of Ericsson Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos presented about the future 5G network and how Ericsson provides Vietnam in connecting people, industries. businesses and businesses across Vietnam, in line with the government's vision and strategy for accelerating Industry 4.0 adoption and digital transformation.


Ông Denis Brunetti, Chủ tịch Ericsson Việt Nam, Myanmar, Campuchia và Lào chia sẻ với sinh viên UEB về sự cần thiết và những bước tiến trong công cuộc chuyển đổi số hiện nay 
The representative of Electrolux in Vietnam inspires students through meaningful short stories expressing the desire to promote the habit of using food and sustainable products with the theme: "Sustainability Journey at Electrolux". Thereby, bringing the message: Small positive changes today will lead to big differences in the future.


Phạm Thanh Nhung - Trưởng phòng Kinh doanh Miền Bắc và Miền Trung, Công ty Electrolux tại Việt Nam chia sẻ và truyền cảm hứng đến các sinh viên UEB về thiết lập những thói quen, những hành động tốt để bảo vệ môi trường, bảo vệ cuộc sống thông qua những sản phẩm mang tính bền vững 
“Sustainable and circular food packaging” is the topic that Luong Thanh Thu – Sustainable Management of Tetra Pak Vietnam brings to the seminar, to share about food safety and sustainable food packaging production with the model. recycling, reducing non-biodegradable waste, and Tetra Pak's efforts to improve the recycling system in Vietnam, through partnerships with schools and local partners.
Bà Lương Thanh Thu - Quản lý bền vững Tetra Pak Việt Nam chia sẻ với sinh viên UEB tại tọa đàm 

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