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The inspiring lecturer who inspires many generations of UEB-Troy transactional students

The module Information Systems and Data Analytics (IS3310) by Dr. Jeffrey Bohler have always been one of the most wanted courses because of its high applicability and diverse in learning methods.

13-year journey – the teachers have been with many generations of UEB-Troy

Dr Jeffrey Bohler has been teaching at Troy University in the United States since 2009, a university affiliated with the University of Economics and Business – VNU in training and awarding a Bachelor of Business Administration. With his experience, Mr Bohler quickly caught up with the work in the new environment with his passionate and enthusiastic heart.

Mr Bohler always keeps his passion and enthusiasm in the classroom 

Motivation and spiritual encouragement – The Inspiring method for student

Dr Bohler always fills his lessons with excitement and enthusiasm, providing easy-to-understand and inspiring information transmissions. With many years of industry expertise, he constantly encourages students to engage in scientific research and constantly explore.

Mr Bohler's class is always "welcomed" by a large number of students
 For Mr Bohler, teaching needs to have an appropriate method to encourage and motivate students to learn

Sharing about the teaching methods, Mr Bohler said that each chapter would end with an exam and a small reward for the highest result. On the other hand, the quizzes frequently contain more challenging material than the midterm and final exams, so students are not surprised.

With the module IS3310, the professor has prepared new knowledge with the given data for students to analyse. Additionally, students also have the chance to work in groups with “brainstorming” skills to apply creative thinking and come up with product strategies.

Furthermore, Dr Bohler also provides case studies, which are practical examples of big corporations like Apple and eBay, for students to implement the knowledge they have learned, thereby analyzing data and evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprises. Each group will then present their work to the class for discussion and peer review.

Case studies of large companies in the world are always reviewed by Dr Jeffrey Bohler put in the lecture 

Dr Jeffrey Bohler’s teaching method has piqued the interest of UEB-Troy students in learning. After studying directly with the lecturer, the students all expressed their deep impression of his teaching technique, depth of professional knowledge, as well as the great opportunity to improve their English skills.


Participating in an international lecturer’s courses is always a useful experience for students of the MBA program associated with 2 universities from the USA which are Troy University and St Francis University.


UEB Media


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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