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University of Economics and Business- VNU-HN Organized Admission Consultant Workshop for More Than 200 Students and Parents of Nguyen Tat Thanh High School (Hanoi National University of Education)

In only a few more months, 2K5 students will officially enter the National High School Graduation Exam in 2023. In order to answer all questions as well as orientate to choose the right major for students, University of Economics and Business - VNU organizes a series of college admission counselling programs for students and parents of high schools.

At the consultation session, Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen Truc Le - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Trustee, Assoc. Prof. Dr Le Trung Thanh – Rector, along with lecturers and admissions consultants welcomed Dr Pham Sy Cuong - Principal of Nguyen Tat Thanh Secondary & High School, Mr. Dang Viet Bach - Chairman of Song Than Group as the representative of parents attended and shared stories about choosing a career for students.

Starting the session was an interesting mini-game called “What do you know about UEB?” - The top 5 players with the highest score were awarded a meaningful souvenir by Assoc. Prof. Dr Le Trung Thanh - Principal of UEB – VNU

With the aim of internationalizing education, the University of Economics and Business - VNU has been continuously growing, introducing top-notch study options from across the world and cutting-edge facilities for students to grow fully. Along the way, UEB also left its own distinctive imprint, with significant accomplishments that were acknowledged in the international university rankings.

Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen Truc Le shared the ranking of UEB

Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen Truc Le sent a heartfelt message about choosing the right major for Nguyen Tat Thanh Middle and Highschool

At the workshop, Dr Pham Sy Cuong - Principal of Nguyen Tat Thanh Middle & High School thanked UEB for the warm welcome as well as the information that UEB teachers brought of great value at a time when the National High School Exams are coming soon. From his own story, Dr Pham Sy Cuong reminded the students that: “Your choice is sometimes not necessarily the best choice. Instead, the advice of parents or teachers should be taken into account to find the right path for the future.”

Dr Pham Sy Cuong – Principal of Middle and High school Nguyen Tat Thanh

Ms Le Thi Que - Ms Le Thi Que – a student’s parent affirmed that the arrangement of the admission counselling workshop is necessary in helping students choose the right major and choose the right school.

Mr Dang Viet Bach - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Song Than Group, and representative of the parents of Nguyen Tat Thanh Middle & High School shared his practical experiences. From the "case study" brought by Mr Dang Viet Bach, the attending students had a new perspective on choosing a major and pursuing their passion.

Mr Dang Viet Bach - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Song Than Group, representative of the parents of Nguyen Tat Thanh Middle & High School

Ms Le Thi Ngoc answered questions from parents and students about UEB's training program, admission criteria and admissions method.

Parents and students carefully monitor each piece of information shared at the program

Ms Dinh Hoang Anh (the 2nd one) - Students' parents pay attention to the advice of UEB's lecturers

Alumni of UEB - TROY K17 - Nguyen Lan Huong talks about her growing-up journey at UEB

The cheerful smiles and hope in students' eyes are what make up the success of the enrolment counselling program of the University of Economics and Business - VNU. Hopefully, with the sharing of teachers, it will bring useful information, and suitable majors for students - future new students!

See you again at the following events of the college admissions counselling series 2023.

UEB Media


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